Page 248 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 248

                   Overseas  Post:  Foreign  Countries,  could.

       Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up to S100
      green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
       Insurance: See entries where individual States are  shown.  For  other  States;
     No  service.
       Prohibitions:  Arms  and  ammunitions  (or  parts  thereof); charged  butane gas
      lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters  arc  admitted);  cultured  imitation,  arti­
      ficial and bleached pearls.
       Restrictions: Alcoholic drinks, drugs.
       Address:  The  address  should  include  the  name  of  the  state  and  then
      ‘‘UNITED ARAB EMIRATES”. No other description is required.
       Parcel Post
         Surface   1
         Air      /  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel  Post  Rates.
       Customs declarations:  I  form C2/CP3 and  1 despatch  note CP2.

       Insurance: See  entries  where individual States  arc shown:  For  other States:
      No  service.
       Prohibitions: Letters (except one for the addressee); arms and ammunitions (or
      parts  thereof);  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged lighters  are
      admitted); cultured,  imitation,  artificial or bleached  pearls.
       Restrictions: Alcoholic drinks; drugs.
       Packing:  Parcels should be very strongly packed.
       Address: See under letter post.
       Delivery: Parcels are not delivered.
       Compensation is not payable for ordinary parcels lost, stolen or damaged.
      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (including Alaska and  Hawaii)
       Letter Post
         Surface   1  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
         Air Mail  /
       Duitable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  S100
      green  label required; thereafter top green label and  form C2/CP3.
       Insurance; No service.
       Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters;  Contraceptives;  cotton,  cotton
      seed  and  cotton  seed  products  (cotton  goods are  admittet);  drugs  an I  thera­
      peutic products;  (certain  of these products are admitted), feathers  and skins of
      wild  birds (except ostrich feathers); fresh  fruit; gold  bullion exceeding  100 U.S.
      dollars  in  value;  intoxicating  liquors;  potatoes;  tickets,  advertisements  or
      circulars  of lotteries,  circulars  advertising  immoral  or  obscene  articles.
       Restrictions:  Arms,  bees;  cereals;  cigars,  cigarettes  and  cheroots;  cotton
      seed  oil;  cotton  waste  and  unmanufactured  cotton;  cream,  empty  butane  gas

      1ghters  and  refills,  gold  coin.  Meat  and  meat  food  products;  radio-active
      substances  and  articles containing radio-active substances;  viruses,  serums and
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