Page 242 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 242


                     Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, conld.

        Dutiable articles may be sent  by  letter  anti  small  packet  post—up  to  S100
      green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
        Insurance: Limit SIOO. Principal towns only. See list under parcel  post.
        1‘roltibiiians:  Carbon  paper,  foreign  lottery  tickets and  advertisements, flick
      knives, gravity knives, sword-sticks and similar articles.
        Restrictions: As for parcel post.
        Parcel Post
         Surface    I
          Air       J See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.

        Insurance: Limit SIOO. Principal towns only. See list below.
        Prohibitions: Letters; arms; ammunition, carbon paper, knives, gravity knives;
      sword-sticks and similar articles; foreign lottery tickets and advertisements, raw
      colfee,  unrefined  sugar,  cocoa  beans,  honey  and  bees-wax  unless contained in
      manufactured articles.
        Restrictions: Bees, fruit; plants and vegetables; saccharin.
        Insurance: Places for which insured parcels (and insured letters) can be accept­
        Arirna, Arouca, Belmont (suburb of Port-of-Spain). Blanchisscusc, California,
      Carapichaima,  Caroni,  Cedros,  Chaguanas,  Claxton  Bay,  Couva,  Cumuto,
      Cunupia, Curepe, Diego Martin, Erin, Forest-Reserve, Fy/abad, Gon/alccs place,
      Gran  Couva,  Guaico,  Guapo,  Guayaguvarc,  LaBrea,  Lavcntillc,  Manzanilla,
      Marabclla,  Matclot,  Mayaro,  Moruga,  Morvant,  Newtown,  Oropouchc,  Palo
      Seco, Penal,  Point  Fortin,  Port-of-Spain,  Princess Town, Tabaquitc,  Tableland,
      Tacarigua, Toco, Tunapuna Williamsvillc, Woodbrook, Charlottes ille (Tobago),
      Moriah (Tobago), Roxborough (Tobago), Scarborough (Tobago), Speyside (To­
      TRIPOLITANIA— See Libya
        Letter Post
          Surface   \
          Air Mail   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable articles may be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  SIOO
      green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
        Prohibitions: Drugs, certain plants c.g.  Lilies, Narcissi.
        Restrictions:  Potatoes.
        Parcel Post
          Surface:  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post  Rates.
          Air:  No Service.

        Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.
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