Page 239 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 239


                   Overseas  Post:  Foreign  Countries,  rontd.

        Address:  Correspondence should  include  a  Post  Office  Box  or  Private  Bag
      number in the address as there is no delivery.
        Parcel Post
         Surface   \
         Ait     / See  Schedule  of Overseas  Surface and  Air  Parcel Post  Rates.
        Customs declaration:  I Yellow form CP3
        insurance:  Limit  S240.  Principal  towns only.
        Prohibitions:  Letters  except  one  for  the  addressee;  coin  exceeding  S10  in
      value,  drugs except  under  permit,  firearms and  ammunition,  Japanese shaving
      brushes, radio-active materials, trade and immature spirits.
        Restrictions:  Accoutrements,  uniforms  or clothing  which, when  worn,  may
      give the  impression  that  the wearer  is  in  Government  employment;  plants and
      seeds; fresh fruit; rat virus; second-hand clothing and bedding imported for sale;
      publications dealing with marriage or birth control.
        Address:  Parcels should include a Post Office Box or Private Bag number in the
      address.  Parcels are not delivered,
        invoice:  A  commercial  invoice  dated  and  signed  by  the sender,  must  be  en­
      closed  in  every  parcel  except  those  consigned  to  private  individuals,  and  the
      parcel should  be marked on the address side “Invoice Enclosed”.  Exceptionally,
      if a  number of parcels  arc  posted  on  any  one  day  by  the  same  sender  to  the
      same addressee, the sender must  number the parcel  I,  2, 3, etc., and  the invoice
      must  be  enclosed  in  parcel  No.  1.  The  remaining  parcels  should  be  endorsed
      "Invoice Enclosed in Parcel No. I."
        Import licences arc required for all commercial parcels.
        Packing:  Parcels should be very strongly packed.
        Compensation  is  not  payable  for  ordinary  parcels  lost,  stolen or  damaged.
        I otter Post
         Surface   l
         Air Mail   / See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable articles: may be sent by letter and small packet post—np  toSlOO  green
      label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
        Insurance:  No Service.
        Prohibitions:  Bank-notes,  coins,  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills.
        Restrictions:  Firearms.
        Parcel Post
         Surface   \
         Air     / See Schedule  of Oversea  Surfaces and  Air Parcel  Post  Rales.
        Customs declaration:  1 Yellow form CP3.
        Insurance:  No Service.
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