Page 108 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 108

'fi:: LE OllAPIJS.                105
                     5Tn EET  COLL ECTING  BOJ\1:!5
    Collecting boxes arc  to  be  found  at the  following  places in  Kingston  and  Lower  St .
   .  \ndrcw.  (The times at which  they arc cleared aro stated on each.)
   1.  King and ~orth Streets      32.  South Camp Road Hotel
   2.  Charles nnd &1st Streets    33.  King$ton nod St. Andrew Corporation
   3.  Kingston Gardens            34.  :\Inrescaux Road and Club Lane
   4. Fire 13rigndc ~tntion        35.  Hope and Oxford Roads
   5.  Jnm:~icn.  Club             36. Retirement Road near Lyndhur~tRoMl
   6. Torrington Bridge            37.  J(nutsford Park Gate
   7.  Allmnn Town Constabulnry Station   aS.  King's JI()USC  Gat~
   8. South Cnrnp Road nenr North Street   3Sn. Swimmers Pen & Wnlthnm Pnrk Rds.
   9.  !Iighholborn and Laws Streets   3&1>.  Walthnm Park and )folynes Ronds
   10.  Park Lodge (Victoria Avenue)   39.  Bedford  Park  Gate  on  the  Constant
   11.  Brown's Town Constabubry Station   Spring Line near Sandy Gully
   12.  Tower St reet and Elletson Road   40.  Four Roads, Grant's Pen
   13.  i\I::rinc Gardens          41.  Papine Corner
  14.  Sp!lnish Town Road and Bccston Street  42.  Drentford and Curphey Roads
  15.  Parade, by l'an'h Church    43.  Grove  & Central Ro:~ds, I<t•ncot Lauds
  16.  Princess and  Harbour Streets   44.  !\Iolynes Road and Tnrrant Lane
  17.  Princess Rnd  West Qu ~en Streets   45.  Hope and Trafalgar Roads
  18.  Jamaio11. Times Store       '16. Lady  :IIIusgrave  and  Trnfalgar  Roads
  19.  Jubilee Market, West Queen Stroet   47.  Deechwood  Ave. and Halfway Tree Rd.
  20.  Orange Street and Port Hoyal Street   48.  Penn  and  Rodney  Streets,  (Admiral
  20a. Princess Street nod North Street   Pen).
  21.  Orange and Charles Streets   49.  Spanish  Town  Road  and  Old  Pound
  22.  Franklin Town Police Station    Road
  23.  Smith Village, Percy and Wellington   !iO.  Constant  Spring Road and Four  Roads
         Streets            ·     51.  Mary Brown's Cor. (Constant. Spt'ing Rd.
  24.  Campbell Town, Liverpool & Hampton  52.  Greenwich Hoad and New Liuculn
         Streets                       Road
  25.  Woodford Park              53.  Jackson Rond and Giltrcss St., Rolling-
  26.  Duke nnd Harbour Streets        ton Pen.
  27.  :\lanchestcr Square, South Race Course  51.  Oliver nnd Windward Roads.
  28.  Laws and East Streets      55.  South and Lyndhu.rst Roads.
  29.  Hannah St. and Rose Lane   56.  Omara  Road  and  Chisholm  Avenue.
  30. ArnoldRo!!d,northofConnollyAvenuo  57.  m vi ·w A\·e.  and  Gr,enwich  Avenue.
  31.  Studley Pnrk Road          58.  !\f:l.xwell .\venue. and  Callowa.y  Rond.
    Collecting  boxes  have also  been  erected  in Snvaona-la-i\far,  (1), Port Antonio, (7),
  Mont~go Day (8), and Spanish Town (3).
    THE Government Telegraphs are under  the control of the Postmaster for  Jamaica.
    There  Me  now 208 Postal Telegraph and Telephone Offices distributoo throughout the
  Island  connecting every town or  village of importnnce.
    In addition,  the  Jamaica  Government  llililway  ,dth  a  compliment of 48 Telegraph
  Offices exchanges telegr!lms with the Postnl 'l'cl~>gMph System.
    The charge for  telegrams throughout  Jamai011  is ninepence  for any number of words
  up to twelve,  and a  half-penny for  every additional word.  The address and signature
  are both counted.  The charge is paid in  postage stamps affixed to the message.
    If the addressee reside within one mile of the terminal office  the telegram is delivered
  by  messenger  without  any ndditioll:ll  charge;  but  if  beyond  that limit  the  following
  porterage  fee  must be  prepaid:-
    At a rate of Od. per mile (one way) counting from  boundary of free clclivcry.
    The  above  mtes  arc  maintained  whenever  practicR.ble.  If  mesecngcrs  cannot  be
  obtained  at  these  rates  the  Postmistress is  authorised  to  make  the  most  rea.sonnble
  arrangement  possible.
    T he charge for the  transmission and for porterage oi  telegrams must be pre-pnid.
    Persons  resident  at a  plnce to  which  the  islnnd  telegraph  line has not  been  extended
  can  benefit  by  its use  on  the  following  conditions:-
    G.  If the  words  "By Post" with  the name  of a  telegraph  station  be  written  on  a
  message it will  be telegraphed  to  such  station and  forwarded  from  thence  to  its  postal
  address  by  first  post.
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