Page 112 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 112

                           AIR  MAIL  SERVICES.

              The following are the Schedules of the Air Mail Servicea maintained by Pan  American
            Airways Incorporated.
                 UNITt:D  STATI:S-CU~A-uAMAICA-COLOMf>IA- DANAMA .
                        (Read down).                    (Read up).
              Tuesday                                          Wednesday
                and                                              and
              Thursday.        Sa.turday.         Sunday.       Friday.
              7 .15 a.m.   7.15 a. m. leave Miami   arrive   5.10 p.m.   5.10p.m.
             9.10 a.m.   9.10 a.m. arrive Cicnfuegos   leave   3.20 p.m.   3 .20 p.m.
              9.30 am ..   9.30 a.m.leave Cienfuegos   arrive   3.00 p.m.   3 .00 p.m.
             12.20 p.m.   12.20 p.m. arrive Kingston   leave  12.20 p.m.   12.20 p.m.
             12.40 p.m.   12.25 p.m. leave Kingston   arrive   noon   noon
              4.30 p.m.        arrive Barranquilla    8.15 a.m.
                        4.55 p.m.  Arrive Cristobal   leave   7 .30 a.m.

                     DUt:JHO  RICO- HAIT I- DOMINICANA-uAMAICA.
                       (Read down).             (Read up).
                        Monday.                 Tuesday.
                  8 .00 a.m.   leave San Juan   arrive  2.00 p.m.
                  9.30 a.m.   arrive San   leave 12.20 p.m.
                  9.50 a.m.   leave San Pedro   arrive 12.05 p.m.
                 11.20 a.m.   arrive Port-au-Prince   leave  10.30 a.m.
                 11.50 a.m.   leave Port -an-Prince   arrive 10.10 a. m.
                  3 .10 p.m.   arrive Kingston   leave  6.15 a.m.
              On  pages  111-117  a  Schedule  will  be  found  showing the routes  and
            times of arrival of air mails for the principal  cities  of  United  States,
            Canada,  Mexico,  Central  America,  South  America,  and the  West
            Inclies;  also  the  air  mail routes  of  the London-to-Continent  services
            (and  beyond)  which  are  now in  operation.

              AIR  MAIL  FOR  EUROPE  AND  AFRICA:-Letters  are  forwarded  by
            air  to  New  York  City  to  connect  with  the  trans-Atlantic  steamers,
            affording an 7  to 9-day  service  to  the United Kingdom and the Con-
            tinent,  depending  upon  the speed  of  the  vessels  by  which  forwarded
           and the timeliness of  the counexion in New York.
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