Page 110 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 110


      ~d)  NiGHT  LE'l'TER 'l'ELEGIUMS;  for  plain  language messages only, subject to  mini-
         mum charge IllS for 25 words.  Prefix "NLT" before the address (counts ns one
         word), for delivery on tho morning following  the date of filing.  Subject to the
         same  rule for  counting  M  Deferred  Telegrams.
      (c)  REPLY  !'Am TELEGRAMS:  the indicator "HP., followed  by  tho  amotml  paid
         for  tho reply, is  written  before the addrc.:;s  and  eounb M  one word.
      (f)  Wtm:LESS  TEL<:GRMtS  To  SntPs:  for  transmission  through  the  West  [ndia &
         l>anama Telegraph  Co's.  Wireless Station at Kin~tor1 to  vessels  within  runge
         at a  rn.te of 10d.  per word.
           Ves.>c4 out of r110ge may often be reached by relay through another sbip  and
         messages pas.sed at an ooditional charge of 4d. per word.
    The following are the rate3  for United  State~ of .\mcrica, Canada nod Grcnt  Britain·
   For other countries apply at any Telegraph office or at the office of the West lndta  and
   Panama Cable  Company.
    United Sl4!es of America: Full rato 1/Q to 1/9; C.D.E. lld to 1/1; Deferred 9d. to  10!d
   a word accordmg to destination; Night letter 12/0 to 14/7 minimum charge for  25 word:~
   according  to  dc~tination.
    Great  Britain  awl  Can'!dn  and  th2  majority  of  plac s within  the British Empire, full
   rate  1/3;  C.D.E.  10d.;  D.Jlerred  ?}d.  a  word;  Kight  letter  10/.5  minimum,  5d.  oach
   additional word.
    A public telephone call office is cstnblished at Cross Ronds Post Office.  Tho fee is 2d.
   for  a  conversation  not excccdmg  three  minutes.

                   LADIES  AND  GENTLEMEN  ! !
          ONE  &  ONE  COCK TAIL
         They will appreciate a good COCKTAIL all ready-mixed.
                   1J6  per  pint  -  3f6  per  quart.
                   Get  in  touch  with  your suppliers.
                  BLENDED  AND  BOTTLED  BY
          S.  C.  LINDO ,  LTD. , 40 Orange Street, Kingston.

                 RUP "fUREDP

          Avoid strangulation  !  'Why wear  Harness?
          Wear  a  "Jiffy  Stopper"  a  SHORT  time.
          The  greatest  jnvention  for  curing  Hernia.

                        H.  F.  PETTITT,
         109j WATER LANE, IG)TGSTON,  JAMAICA,  B.W.I.
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