Page 105 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 105

102                   HOUSl~ DELIVERY.
              ination.    Description.     Colour.         Date of Issue.
                 !cL  Head of King Ge01·ge  green      October lOth, 1938
                 Id.      Ditto        carmine                Do.
                l}cl.     Ditt o       chocolate              Do.
                 2d.  Columbus Cove and   grey and green   December  lOth, 1938
                      head of Sovereign
                2td.  Head of King George  green and blue     Do.
                 3d.  Banana Plantation   blue and green      Do.
                 4d.  Citrus Grove     brown and green        Do.
                 6d.  Priestman's River   grey, purple and    Do.
                      and head of        black
                 9d.  Kingston Harbour   lake                 Do.
                       (aerial view)
                 1/- Sugar Industry    green a.nd brown       Do
                 2/- Bamboo Walk       blue and brown         Do.
                 5/- Symbolic design   blue and orange        Do.
                       ("Wood and
                       Water") and head
                      of Sovereign
                10/- H ead of King George  green              Do.
                All stamps are printed  on paper water-marked C A in script.
                Cost  of a  full  set £1  Os.  5~d.
                                   Stamp  Vendor&.
                 C. G. Evans, West Queen Street
                 Jamaica. Times Store, 8-10 King Street, Kingston
                 M. Lindo, 8 Liverpool Street
                 Mrs. M. R. Marshal!, S. W. Cor. Duke Street and Water
                 R . A. March, 29a West Parade
                 A. C. McKay, 21 West Parade
                 Wm. Yap Fung, 46 Arnold Road
                 0. M. Steele, North Street and Luke Lane
                 Tourist Trade Development Board, 78 Harbour Street
                 Miss M. S., 1 Kent Lane, Kingston
                 J. E. Wilson, 123 Manchest~r Square.
                                    NOU.5E  DE LIVERY.
                Correspondence  is  delivered  by  letter  carriers in  all  parts of  the City of  Kingston,
              including  Smith's  Village,  Hannah  Town,  Campbell  Town,  Franldin  Town,  Brown's
              Town, Passmore Town,  the  northern limits  of  Arnold  Road  and South Camp  Road,
              including the Goodwin Lands, and to the east of the city as far as Kensington Road, four
              times daily, viz., 8.30 a..m., 10.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m., and 3.30 p.rn.
                Correspondence is  delivered in  Lower  St. Andrew as  below:-
                From CoNSTANT SPmNG Post Office at 9 a. m. and 2.45 p.m.-
                N on'rn'-"Kieutier" Water Works Road.
                SouTH- Mary Brown's Corner.
                EA.ST-Barbican  Road  12B  to  137,  Dallas  Pen Road, Shortwood Road, Olivier Road
              and Charlton Road.
                WEsT-Manning's Hill Road, Nos.  3 to 53 and 12 to 42.
                From Cnoss RoADs Post Office at 9.15 a.m. and 2 p.m.-
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