Page 100 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 100

               ~  Electricity  is  such  an  easily  conv"ertibie  !
                                                              l  •
                                                                      ......  '
               ?J:        form of energy that its use for all types of   ~
               ~  motive  power, heating  and lighting  is  being     ~
               ;     extended every year in all parts of the world.   ~
               -'"    In Jamaica it  is  our  aim  to make it easier   ·' ··
                      and  cheaper  to  own  and  operate  Electrical
                     Appliances .............. an  aim  which  can  he
                     materially  assisted  by  the electrification of
                     more and more Factories and Homes.
                     If you have a problem of motive power in your
                     Factory,  of  Lighting,  Heating  or  Refrig-
                     eration in your  home,  we  are always glad to
                     help you in any way possible.
                     Jamaica  Public  Service  Company,  Ltd.

                   LET CECIL  A. MYRXE

                                   Tun& Your Piano

                          and  Note the  Difference in Tone

                                  PHONE  2068
                   109t  WATER  LANE,  KINGSTON,  JAMAICA,  B .W.I.

                          For  Exc!usi')Je  Tailormg,  See

                            W.  E .  THOMAS
                              66 Harbour Street, Kingston.
                        SPECIAL  LINES  I~  MEK'S  SUITINGS.
                        CARRIES  A  LINE  OF  BEST TROPICALS
                 And remember THOMAS gives best value and  personal attention
                                     with all orders.
                                 PHONE  23443
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105