Page 99 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 99

Ideal  Gifb  for  Everybody
                            Come to gift headquarters and let us show
                  you our many fine Christmas suggestions.  We espec·
                  Irons that will make ironing a  happier, 9
                  ially want to show you our fine assortment of Coleman
                  Gifts. Beautiful gasoline pressure mantle and kerosene
                  lamps that will delight Mother and give all the family
                  plenty  of light to protect their sight. Handy Self-Heating
                  pleasanter task. Coleman Lanterns - the   ,
                  finest gift of all for the "men folks".   ,   _
                    Come  in and select  your gifts  from  u_  · --: 1-
                   our complete stock.

                            D. HENDERSON &  CO.,  LTD.

                    STANDARD  ELECTRIC  AND

                            BATTERY  SERVICE

                     203t TOWER ST. ,  KINGSTON, JAMAICA.
                                     Specializes  in
                    Armature Winding,
                        A. C. Motors and Generators,
                                      Electric Fans and other
                                                 Electrical Devices
                        Insist  on Good SeTvice  jo1· your  lJil oney .
                 .Phone 33362.                        F.  GORE,  Prop.
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