Page 104 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 104

POS'rAGE  STAMPS.                 101
              bnck of the order.  Poetal orders which are not presented for payment within six months
             from the last dn.y  of the  month of issue  are not  paid until reference bas  been made to
              the Postmaster for Jamaica.
               FiUing in of Order.- The purchaser of a  postal order  must, before parting wiLh  it, fill
             in the name of the person to whom the amount is to be paid, and is recommended to fill in
              the name of tbe office of payment as a precaution in case the order should be lost or stolen.
             Jf the  purchase1· does not know which  Post Office  is most convenient  to  the  payee,  he
             should  insert  Lhe  name of the  town,  village  or district  where  the  payee  resides.  The
             order will  then be paid at any Post Office in the place named.
               Counl.erfoils.-Every person to whom a postal order is  issued should tear off and retain
              the counterfoil.  Its production  will  facilitate inquiry if the order should be lost.
               MiscmTiage  or  loss.-The  Postmaster cannot  undertnl<e  to  consider  any application
      a  p()stal  order  which has  miscarried,  or which  has  been  lost  or destroyed,
              unless  the counterfoil  be  produced; and  unless proof be given to his satisfaction  that the
              name of the payee was inserted in the order before the holder parted with  it.
               After  a  Postal  Order  has once  been  paid,  to  whomsoever  it is  paid,  the  Postmaster
              11·ill  not  be  liable  to  any further  chdm.
               Payment l.o  the  pttblic.-Betorc n order  is  paid  the name of the payee and  the
              name of the office of payment must have been filled in  and the order  must  be  properly
               Payment through  Bankers.-If a  postal order be crossed,  payment  will  only be  made
              through a bank; and if the name of a bank be added, payment will only be made through
             that bank.
               Repayment to $ender.-The sender of a postal order can obtain repayment of the amount
             (but not the poundage)  on presenting the order ::111d  the counterfoil at the issuing office.
             If the order has  been crossed  for payment through a  bank the seL\der  must first cancel
             the  crossing  by  writing across the face  of  the order the  words  " Please  pay cash" and
             :ldding his initials.
               Eras11res,  alterations,  &c.-If any erasure or alteration  is  made, or if the  order  is  cut.
             defaced,  or mutilated,  payment  may  be  refused.
               Postal Orders rwtnegotiable.-Postal orders do not, like Bank of England notes, represent
             value  in  themselves.  If an order  is lost  or stolen  no  person into  whose  bands  it may
             fall,  though  himself  innocent,  is  entitled  to  receive  the amount  of the  order.  The
             rightful owner is alone entitled to cash  the order.
                                   I~EPLY COUPONS.
               International  Reply Coupons are sold  at the  Money  Order  Office,  Kingston,  at  6d.
             each, and  Imperial lleply  Coupons at 3d. each.  The  former  represent the  postage  on
             a single-rate letter  mailed in  any country of the Postal Union, and the latter the postage
             on a single-rate letter mailed in any country of the British Empire.  Coupons are cashed
             at  the rate of  2~d. for  a  50-centime, and  11d.  for  an Imperial  coupon.
                POST AGE  STAMPS,  POSTCA11DS,  ENVELOPES,  WRAPPERS,  l:tc.
             Postage  Stamps  of  the  following  denominations  are sold:-
               ~d., 1d., l td.,  2d.,  2!d., 3d., 4d., Gd.,  9d. 1  ls., 2s., 5s.,  10s.
               Books containing eighteen  ld., and  twelve  ~d. stamps are issued,  price  2s.
               Inland  post cm·ds are sold  at 1d. each.  Reply paid  at Id.;  International  Post  Cards
             at  Id.,  Reply paid, 2d.
               Newspaper wrappers are sold at td. each.
               Registered letter envelopes (linen-lined) bearing a  3d. st~mp embossed on the flap for the
             Payment of registration fee  2d., and postage ld., are of two sizes and are sold at 3!d. and
             4d. each.
              Jud·icial  Stamps of  the  values  6d., ls., 2s., 5s., Ss. and 6d.,  I Os. and £1 are sold at all
             l'ost Offices where there is a  demand  for them.
               Impressed Stamps,  title  deeds and  blank slips are on sale at all Post Offices.
              Quinine is also  sold at all Post Offices  in  td. and Id. packages .
             .  The following is a  description, together with the dates of issue. of all postage stamps
             •U  circulation:
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109