Page 71 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 71

c a b l e g r a m s.               81
       (d )  N i g h t   L e t t e r   T e l e g r a m s ;  for plain  language  messages  only,  subject  to  mini­
          mum charge as for 25 words.  Prefix “ NLT”  before the address (count3 as one
          word), for delivery on the morning following the date of filing.  Subject to the
           same  rule  for  counting  as  Deferred  Telegrams.
       (e )  R e p l y   P a id   T e l e g r a m s :   th e   in d ic a to r   “ R P .,  fo llo w e d   b y   th e   amount  paid
           fo r   th e   r e p ly ,  is  w ritte n   b e fo r e   th e   a d d ress  a n d   co u n ts   as  o n e   w o rd .
       (f)  W ir e l e s s   T e l e g r a m s   t o   S h i p s :  for  transmission  through  the  West  India  &
           Panama  Telegraph  Co’s.  Wireless  Station  at  Kingston  to  vessels  within  range
           at  a  rate  of  lOd.  per word.
            Vessels out of range may often be reached by relay through another ship  and
           messages passed at an  additional  charge of  4d.  per word.
      The  following are the rates for  U i;tei  States of America, Canada and Great Britain.
    For other countries apply at any Telegraph office or at the office of the West India and
    Panama  Cable  Company.
      United Sta'es of America: Full rate 1/6 to 1/9; C.D.E.  lid  to  1/1; Deferred 9d. to 10Jd
    a word according to destination; Night letter 12/3 to  1 Iff minimum charge for 25 words
    according  to  destina'don.
      Canada: Full rate 1/3 to 1/11; C.D.E.  lid  to 1/2; Deferred 9d to lljd  a word according
    to destination;  Night letter  12/8 to  16/- according to  destination.
      Croat Britain:  Full rate  2/4;  C.D.E.  1/5;  Deferred  1/2  a  word;  Night  letter  19/5Jd.
     minimum  for  25  words.
      A public telephone call office is established at Cross Roads Post Office.  The fee is 2d,
     for  a  Conversation  not  exceeding three  minutes.
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