Page 70 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 70

,  80                       CABLEGRAMS.

                b.  If a  letter marked  “ On  Post  Office Telegraph  Business” be sent by post to the tele­
               graph  clerk at any station  the message enclosed  will be promptly  forwarded  by telegraph
               from  such station.  In  this case  the letter by post must b  registered and  the cost of  the
               message  enclosed  in  stamps  or  coin.  Telegrams  may  also  be  handed  to a mail courier
               on  his  way  to  a  telegraph  office,  but  the  department  does  not  take  any  liability  for

                c.  No  charge will be made in  either case for postage or registration.
                Telegrams  may be sent  to any port  for outward transmission  as  letters.  The senders
              must write “ By Post” before addressee’s name, and the name of the terminal Telegraph
              Office  at  the  end  of  the  address.
                For example:—
                “ By  Post”  Brown,  12  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York,  Kingston.”
                In addition to the ordinary telegraph charge the sender must also pay the postage fee.
                In  such  cases  registered  addresses  cannot  be  used.
                The  office  hours  are  from  7  a.m.  to  5  p.m.,  daily—Sundays  and  Public  Holidays
                Night,  Sunday and  Holiday services  may be  obtained at  the  following rates:—
                a.  After  6  a.m.  until  8  p.m.,  double  rate  for  telegram,  plus a  fee  of  1/-  to  each  clerk
              handling  the  telegram  and  6d.  for  the  messenger.
                b.  After 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. double rate for the telegrams plus a fee of 2/- to each clerk
              handling  the  telegram  and  1/-  for  the  messenger.
                e.  The  charges  of 6d.  and  1/-,  respectively,  for messengers refer only to  telegrams for
              delivery  up  to  one  mile  from  the  office.
               d.  On  Public  Holidays  all  offices  are  open  from  7  a.m.  to  9  a.m.  and  telegrams
              are accepted at the ordinary week day rates during these hours.
               A  certified  copy  of  a  telegram  may  be  obtained on application to the Postmaster for
              Jamaica on  payment of a  fee of 6d.  If special search is necessary the  cost incurred  will
              be charged in  addition.
               Inland  telegrams are retained on file for 3 months, and foreign telegrams for 6 months.
               Abbreviated telegraphic addresses (inland) for use at any office, may be registered with
              the  Postmaster  for  Jamaica at a cost of 5/- per  annum,  or upon payment of £2  for  a
              permanent  address.
               Local  telegrams  from  authorized  Government  officials,  members  of  the  Legislative
              Council  and  other  authorized persons on public business are transmitted free of charge.
               By courtesy of the West India and Panama Cable Company  the following information
              concerning Overseas Cables is furnished:
               C a b l e g r a m s .—Cablegrams  for all parts  of the world may  be  handed  in  at  any  Tele­
             graph Office on payment of the inland charge in addition to the amount charged by the
             cable  company  in  accordance  with  their  Tariff.
               Cablegrams  addressed  to  Great  Britain,  Ireland,  and  British  Empire  Countries  will
             be  routed  “ Via  Imperial”  unless  otherwise  marked  by  the  sender.
               This  route  offers  the  advantage  of  a  direct,  speedy  and  reliable  service  between
             Jamaica  and  those  countries;  it is  entirely  British  owned  and  operated.
               Patrons  are  urged  to  mark all  their  cablegrams  “ Via  Imperial”   for  which  no  charge
             is  made.
               The  various  classes  of  message  available  are:—-
                 (a)  O r d in a r y   T e l e g r a m s ;  for  immediate  transmission;  may  be  written  in  plain
                    language,  code  or  cypher.  (Reduced  rate  for  CDE  telegrams,  i.e.  telegrams
                    containing Code in which no  code word exceeds five letters in length).
                (b)  U r g e n t   T e l e g r a m s :  Urgent  and  Urgent  Code  (ODE)  telegrams  at  double
                    the Ordinary Rate and CDE Rate are accepted for transmission to all countries.
                    The word Urgent must be inserted  before  the  address  and  paid  for  as  an  extra
                ((c)  D e t e r r e d   T e l e g r a m s :  for  non-urgent  plain  language  massages  only  at
                   reduced rates.  Prefix “ LG”  before the  address  (counts  a3  one  word).
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