Page 67 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 67

TRAIN  POST  OFFICE  SERVICE.             77
      W e s t — From Cross Roads,  along Retirement  Road to  co rn e r  of Lyndhurst  Road  and
    Old Pound Road, including Brentford Road.               *
      From  H a l f w a y   T e e e   Post  Office at  8.30 a.m.  and  2  p.m.
      N o r t h —Mary  Brown’s Corner on  the Constant  Spring Road and the road leading to
    King’s  House.
      S o u t h—Oxford  Road,  not  included.
      E a s t—Matilda’s  Corner  and  Hope  Road,  from  Christ  Church.
      W e s t—Carrisbrook  on  Hagley  Park  Road,  Molynes  Road  to  junction  with  Tarrant
     Lane, Old Pound Road and Lyndhurst Road to junction of Retirement Road, and “  Nesby
     Court,”  Red  Hills  Road.
      From J o n e s   P e n   Post  Office at  9.30 a.m. and  1.30 p.m.—
      N o r t h —Penn  Street  (not included).
      S o u t h —Burnett  Lane  and  Girling  Street.
      E a s t—Craig  Town  Gully.
      W e s t—Trench  Pen  (not  included).
      From W h i t f ie l d   P e n   Post Office at 9.30 a.m.  and 1.30 p.m.—■
      N o r t h—Pound Road and Rousseau Road.
      S o u t h —Spanish Town  Road to Nos. 64 and  113, Greenwich Farm.
      E a s t—Maxfield Park.
      W e s t—Waltham Park Road.
      From  W i n d w a r d   R o a d   Post  Office  at  9  a.m.  and  1  p.m.—
      N o r t h —Langston Road.
      S o u t h—Sea Front.
      E a s t—Long  Mountain  Road.  (No. 90)  and Windward Road  (149).
      W e s t—Kensington  Road  (not  included).
      From  S p a n i s h   T o w n   Post  Office at 9.15 a.m. and  4.00 p.m.
      N o r t h —Highfield on  Bog Walk Road and to  Ferndene on Gordon Penn  Road
      S o u t h—Burke  Road  &  St.  Jago  Park  Barrett  Street.
      E a s t —Premises  adjoining  the  Rio  Cobre  River.
      W e s t—Railway  Lines,  St.  Johns  Road,  Old  Harbour  Road  and  beyond  the  Railway
     line to  Ellerslie.
        From  M o n t e g o   B a y   Post  Office  at  8.10 a.m.  and  1.30  p.m.
      N o r t h —Union  Street  along  King  Street,  Love  Lane,  Orange  Street  to foot of Spring
     Hill, along North Street to St.  James Street along Fort Road to Palm Beach.
      S o u t h —Railway  along  River  Bay  through  Justice  Piece  to  Barnett  Road  along
     Cottage  Road.
      E a s t —Cottage Road,  Jackson  Town along Doom  Street  to  foot  of Brandon  Hill.
      West—Palm  Beach  along  the  Sea  to  Railway.
      The  following  are  the boundaries  of  roads which are served from two or more of the
     above post offices:
             C o n s t a n t   S p r in g   R o a d - -up to  118  and 141—Half-Way-Tree
                                above   . .   Constant Spring
             H a l f - W a y - T r e e    R o a d -  -up  to  50  and  51—Cross Roads
                  D o .         over    ..     Half-Way-Tree
             H o p e  R o a d   -up to 96-117   —Half-Way-Tree
                  D o .         over    .  .   Liguanea
             O l d   H o p e  R o a d    -up to 40-47   —Cross Roads
                  Do.           over    . .    Half-Way-Tree
             P o u n d   R o a d    -up  to  80  and  65—Whitfield Pen
                  Do.           over and up to 128
                                  and 93     —Cross Roads
                  Do.           over    . .    Half-Way-Tree
             S p a n is h   T o w n   R o a d    -  -up to 64b  and  111—Kingston
                  Do            over and up to 153—Smith  Village
                                                (no house delivery)
                  Do.           over and  up  to  176
                                  and 183    —Whitfield Pen
             S w im m e r s '   P e n    R o a d -  -up  to  28  and  29—Cross Roads
                  D o .         pver           Half-Way-Tree
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72