Page 63 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 63

                         MONEY  ORDERS.

       Money  Orders  are  issued  at  the  Head  Office,  Kingston,  and  at  the  Post  Offices  of
     the  capital  of each  parish.  Applications  for  money orders addressed  to  the  Postmaster
     for  Jamaica  or to  a  Postmaster are free  of postage.  (The  registration  fee  of 2d.  must,
     however,  be  prepaid.)
      The  commission  on  money  orders  drawn  on  * Great  Britain,  (including  North­
     ern  Ireland),  United  States  of  America,  Canal  Zone,  Canada  and  Newfoundland,
     and  any  other  country  except  those  named  in  the  following  sentence  is  sixpence  for
     the  first  £ and threepence for each additional  £ or  fractional part.  The  commission on
     Money  Orders  drawn  on  * Trinidad,  * Barbados,  * British  Guiana,  * Windward  and
    * Leeward  Islands,  * Turks  Island,  * Cayman  Islands,  * Bermuda,  * Bahamas,  and
    ’ British  Honduras,  is  sixpence  for  first  £2  and  two  pence  for  each  additional  £ or
    fractional  part.
      The  limit  amount  for  money  orders  drawn  on  Great  Britain,  Barbados,  Trinidad,
    British Guiana, the Windward Islands, the Leeward Islands, British Honduras,  Bermuda,
    Bahamas,  Turks  Island  and  Cayman  Islands is  £40,  and  on  United  States  of  America,
    Canada,  Newfoundland,  Canal Zone and  Philippine Islands, $100.
      No  application  can  be entertained for compensation for alleged  injury from  the non­
    payment  of a  money  order at  the  expected  time.  When  a  money  order  is  applied  for
    it  must  be  on  the  clear understanding  that  no  such  claim  will  be allowed,  and  that  the
    Post  Office is not liable, under any circumstances, to more than one payment of a money
    order,  even  when,  notwithstanding  the  precautions  that  are  taken,  the  order  has  been
    paid to a person not entitled to receive the money.
      Re-payment  to  the  remitter  of  a  money  order  cannot  be  made  until  the  chief  office
    of the paying country has been  communicated with.
     A  Through  Money  Order  Exchange  also  exists  between  Jamaica  and  certain  British
    colonies  and  foreign  countries  through  the  British  Post  Office.  Such  through  money
    orders are subject on  payment  to a deduction of two pence for each £1  with a minimum
    charge  of  four-pence.  The  full  name and address of the payee of a through  money order
    must  be  given  to enable the Chief Money Order Office, London, to forward to the payee
    a  money order for the net  amount payable, the money order issued to the remitter being
    only  of  value  as  a  receipt  for the  amount  paid  and  should  be  retained by the remitter.
     The following  is  a  partial  List  of  British  Colonies,  Protectorates,  and  Postal Agencies
   abroad and of  the Principal  Foreign  Countries to which  Money  Orders  may  be  sent  through
   London,  f
     ’ Ascension,  Australia  (Commonwealth  of),  Austria,  Belgium,  Bulgaria,  ’ Ceylon,
   Costa  Rica,  ’ Cyprus.  Cuba,  Czechoslovakia,  Denmark.  ’ Egypt,  ’ Federated  Malay
   States,  * Fiji,  France  and Algeria. German}' * Gibraltar, ’  Gold Coast,  Greece, Holland,
    Honduras  (Republic  of),  * Hong Kong,  Hungary,  * Irish Free  State, * India  and Aden,
   Italy,  ’ Iraq,  Japan,  ’ Kenya,  Luxemburg,  * Malta,  * New Zealand,’ Niseria.  Norway,
   ’ Nyasaland  Protectorate.  ’ Palestine,  Poland,  Pcrtugal,  ’ Rhodesia,  (Northern  and
   Southern),  Roumania,  ’ Sierra  Leone, ’ South Africa  (Union of)  Spain, ’ Sudan,  Sweden,
   Switzerland,  ’ Tanganyika  Territory,  ’ Togoland  (British),  ’ Uganda,  Yugoslavia,
   * Zanzibar.
                        Telegraph Money Orders.
     The  system  of  Telegraph  Money  Orders  is in  operation  between Great  Britain  and
   Jamaica.  The  remitter  of  a  Telegraph  Money Order is required to pay, in  additiun  to
   the  M.O.  commission,  the  cost  of the Telegram of Advice at the ordinary rate  (2/4)  or
     ’ British  Postal Orders are also issued and paid in these countries, see “ PostalOrders,”
          page 74.
     f  For complete  list  of  [daces in  which  Money  Orders are  issued  and  pa d see  latest
         edition  of British  Post Office Guide.
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