Page 68 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 68


                   W  a l t h a m   P a r k   R o a d    —   up  to  22  and  31|—Whitfield Pen
                        Do.           over      ..   Half-Way-Tree
                   W a t e r l o o   R o a d    —  -up  to  24  and  19—Half-Way-Tree
                        Do.           over      ..   Constant Spring
                   W i n d w a r d   R o a d  -up  to  16  and  67—Kingston
                                       over     ..   Windward Road
                            TRAIN  POST  OFFICE  SERVICE.
             Limited  train  Post  Offices  are  maintained  on  the through  line  between  Kingston  and
           Montego  Bay  and  Port  Antonio  where  postage  stamps,  etc.,  may  be  bought  and
           telegraph  forms  obtained.
                          REDIRECTION  OF  CORRESPONDENCE.
             The  P ost  O ffice  only  undertakes  to   redirect  when  the
           letter s  or  oth er  postal  packets can n ot  be redirected at the
           place  o f  address.  It  does  not,  for  example,  redirect  postal packets  addressed
           to  a  person  who has  temporarily left his house,  unless the  house  be  left  uninhabited;  or
           addressed  to  clubs,  hotels,  boarding houses,  or  lodgings;  or delivered  through  a  private
           letter  box.
             Notices  of removal and applications  for redirection  must  be  signed  by  the  persons  to
           whom  the  packets  to  be  redirected  are  addressed.  Separate  notices  must  be  filled  up
           if it is desired that parcels should be redirected.
             A  notice of removal holds good for three months.
             The  Department  does  not  undertake  to  divert,  at  the  General  Post  Office,  letters
           addressed to one Post Office to another Post Office in the island.  An effort will, however,
           be  made,  as far as  the  exigencies of the  Service  allow,  to  serve  the  public by delivering
           in  Kingston  letters addressed  to  a  district  Post  Office  or  by  directing  them  from  one
           office  to  another.
                       APPLICATIONS  FOR  RECALL  OF  LETTERS.
             No letter, parcel or other postal packet can, when once it has been posted in a Post Office
           receptacle  or  accepted  for transmission  at  a  Post  Office,  be  taken  out  of the  post,  even
           if  application  be  made  for it  by a  person  who  can  prove  that  he  is  the  sender,  without
           the authority of the Governor.  Nor can it be detained or delayed at  the sender’s request;
           it must be forwarded to its address and cannot be diverted to any other address.
                          PRIVATE  LETTER  BOXES  AND  BAGS
             Private  letter  boxes,  available  for the  subscribers’  use  from  7  a.m.  till  5.30  p.m.  on
           week  days  (and  also  for  two or three hours in Kingston  after the arrival of important
           oversea mails)  may be rented for 12s, a year at the Post Offices of Kingston, Port Antonio,
           Montego  Bay,  Mandeville,  Savanna-la-Mar  and  May  Pen.  Letters addressed to the
           house address of a  person renting a letter box will be delivered as addressed.  Only letters
           specifically  addressed  to  the  letter  box  or  business address of the renter of the box will
           be assorted in  the box.
             Private bags.—By permission of the Postmaster for Jamaica any person may have his
           letters conveyed by his bearer to and from the Post Office in a private bag upon payment
           of  an  annual  fee  of one guinea,  the bag to  be locked,  one  key being kept  by the  Post­
           master and  one  by  the  owner  of  the  bag;  the  bag  to  be  provided  by  the  owner.
             When  a  private  letter  bag is  conveyed  by  a  mail  contractor  a  further  annual  fee  of
           one  guinea  is  to  be  paid.  These  fees  must  be  paid  in  advance  through  the  Postmaster
           for  Jamaica.
                                  POSTE  RESTANTE.
            The  Poste  Restante  or General  Delivery  is intended  solely  for  the accommodation  of
           strangers and travellers and  even  they  may not  use it  for more  than  three  months.
            Letters addressed  to  initials,  or  to  fictitious  names,  or to  a  Christian  name  without  a
           surname  are  not  taken  in  at  the  Poste  Restante,  but  are  treated  as  undelivered  and
           returned  to  senders.
                       Period of Retention of  Poste  Restante Correspondence.
                   Origin.           At Kingston.     At  District Post  Offices.
          Places abroad               Four weeks           Eight weeks
          Local                       Two weeks            Four weeks
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