Page 66 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 66

76                      h o u se  d e l iv e r y .
              nation.            Description.                    Date of Issue.

                id.  King George V.—green                        Nov.  3, 1927
               Id.         Do.   —carmine                        Mar.  15, 1929
               lid.        Do.   —chocolate  ..                  Jan.  18, 1929
               2d.   Scenery: Columbus Cove, green and grey greea  Nov.  4, 1932
               2id.  Scenery: near Castleton—pale blue and greenish blue  Mar.  5, 1932
               3d.   Landing of Columbus,  1494-—myrtle-green and blue  April  8, 1921
               4d.   Cathedral, Spanish Town—brown and deep green  Jan.  1,  1921
               6d.   Scenery: Piiestman’s River—purple and grey black  Feb.  4. 1932
               9d.   King George V.—maroon                      Mar.  5, 1929
               1/-   Statue of Queen Victoria—orange-yellow and red-orange  Dec.  10. 1920
               2/-   Admiral Rodney Memorial, Spanish Town—light blue
                          and brown                                do.
              5/-    Scenery  (“ Isle of Wood and  Water”)—blue and yellow-
                        orange                                  April 15, 1920
              10/-   King George V.—myrtle-green                May   6, 1921
              All postage  stamps of  the  colony  are  printed  on  the  Multiple  Crown Script  (C.A)
             water-mark paper.
              Value of full set,  £1  Os.  5jd.
              The  Coronation  issue  of  the  Id.,  lid.,  and  2|d. stamps  was sold from May 12th  to
             December  31st,  1937.  A  complete  new  issue  is  being  printed  but  the  exact  date  of
             publication  is  not  known  at  the  time  this  Guide goes to press.  The following are the
             contemplated designs:—
                Jd., Id.,  ljd., 2jd., 10/— Head of King George VI.
                2d., 6d , 5/— Same designs (with head of the soverign incorporated).
                3d., 4d., 9d.,  1/-, 2/— New scenic designs (without head of soverign).
                                   Stamp  Vendors.
                C.  G. Evans, West  Queen Street
                Jamaica Times Store, S-10 King Street, Kingston
                M.  Lindo, 8 Liverpool Street
                Mrs. M. R, Marshall, S. W. Cor.  Duke Street and Water  Lane
                R. A.  March, 29a West Parade
                A  C. McKay, 21 West Parade
                Wm. Yap Fung, 46 Arnold Road
                O. M. Steele, North Street and Luke Lane
                Tourist Trade Development Board, 78 Harbour Street
                Miss M. S. Williams,  1 Kent Lane, Kingston
                                    HOUSE  DELIVERY.
              Correspondence  is  delivered  by  letter  carriers in  all  parts  of  the City  of  Kingston,
            including  Smith’s  Village,  Hannah  Town,  Campbell  Town,  Franklin  Town,  Brown’s
            Town,  Passmore  Town,  the  northern  limits  of  Arnold  Road  and  South  Camp  Road,
            including the  Goodwin Lands, and to the east of the city as far as Kensington Road, four
            times daily, viz.,  8.30 a.m.,  10.30 a.m.,  1.30 p.m., and 4.15 p.m.
              Correspondence  is  delivered  in  Lower  St.  Andrew  as  below:—
              From C o n s t a n t  S p r in g  Post Office at 9 a.m.  and 2.30 p.m.—
              N o r t h —Manor House.
              S o u t h—Mary Brown’s Corner.
              E a s t—Grant’s Pen Road, Upper Waterloo Road,  Shortwood  Road.  Olivier  Road and
            Charlton Road.
              W e s t—Manning’s Hill Road, Nos. 3 to 53 and 12 to 42.
              From  C r o s s  R o a d s  Post  Office at  9.15 a.m. and  2 p.m.—
              N o r t h —From Cross Roads  Post  Office, along  Caledonia Avenue,  up to  Halfway  Tree
            and  Hope  Road  to  Oxford  Road,
              S o u t h —Torrington  Bridge  and  Slipe  Pen  Road.
              E a s t—Marescaux Road.
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