Page 13 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 13

INJ,AND  MAILS:  PARCEI.S.            9
               prod~cc n n~mber of itlen ticnl copies of writ~on matter, nnd .ea~y to  recognise;  a~d  in
               rd:d.Jon  to cJrculn•·s• shall nlso bo taken to  mcludc  type-prmtmg  after  the  fashwn or
               in  imi1ation  of  1-ypewriting  nod  also  the  reproduction  of  typcwriting  by  the
               mimcugraph  or  any  other  mcch:wical  process o•·dinnrily used to  produce  a  number
               of identical copic5 of wril ten matter, including carbon co)Jies of an o·rigiu(ll typescript.
                Expres~ions  referring  to  writing  sh:1ll  be  taken  to  include  typewriting  or  any
               mcchanimd or  other process ordiil!lrily  used  to produce n single  document
                Any  two  or  more  d0cuments coming  within the  definit.ion  of a  Printed  P.1per  may
               , ppcar  on  t.he  samu  sheet  of  p~per, provided  lhc.v  rtre kept  wholly  distinet  from  one
                The  unclc•·mcntioncd articles  :•re excluded  from  t ransmLosion  at tbc rate applicable  to
              prinLcd  papcrs:-
                f'ostago stamtls, ·tvhelher obliterated  or  not,  nnd  in  general  all  printed  p~pcr~ represent-
               in!! a  monetary value.  (These nrt iclcs nre subject to t.he i~tter •·ate  of postage.)
                ),  pnckct  is  not  ueccssal'ily  ndrnissiblc  at  the P •·inted  Paper rate becaus,; it cont·nins
              no I hin;!  but  printed  mal ter.  The  whole  of  (.he  content'S  must  full  clearly  within  the
              definition  given  nbwe,  wl1ich  doJ;  not  inclu~e  articlas  of  slationery t  surh  as  hlolling
              l'~fJCr.  note  pape1·.  envelopes.  and  labels.  with  o;  wi:ilout  IJI"inted  a:ld•·;;ss.  l~lte1·hcads.
              Hllhc:1ds,  check  books,  prialed  cnleudar  pnds,  and  similar  nr( iclcs.  And  in  reading
              the definition it  must be lr.rnc in mind that Printed Papers, such as inYoiccs, or  p,·,.posals
              fo1·  insur:mcc, or  greeting  or  visiting  cards,  lhoug;h  admissible  when  filled  up and  sent
              tn :t  spacific  per~Oit,  1\I'C  not  admissible  if  sent,  not  filled  up,  t.o  a  person  who  is
              subsequently to  put  them  to t!1e  use  for  which  t.hey are intended.
                A  loca I packet of "Printed" Papers  may  not exceed  3  pounds  in  weight, nor 2 feet
              in  lengt.h,  nor I  fcot  in width or depth, except it  be iulendcd fo1· transmission as a  parcel
              nt t he 4d. per lb. rate (see below).
                Letters, circulars, accounts,  &c.,  (but  not  newspapers)  may  be  prepa id  in money
              instc:1d  of postage stamps ·tt the General Post Office, I\iugston, provided that the articles
              arc chargeable  with nn uniform  rate of postage,  t.hat the amount paid is in no case  less
              than  10s., and that they at·e  t ied in bundles representing a  postage oi 2s.  6d. each,  with
              the  addresses  arranged  in  the same direction.  Patrons dc~irous of using thi•  facility
              must.  ~tnte  in  writing  (()  the  Postm~stcr for  .J:un~ ica  the  number  of  pieces of mail
              n~atter  which  they  require  to  prepay  in  money  and  the  value  of post.•ge on e:1ch
               (e)  Small  Pacl;ct~.  A  "Sm:\11  Packet" embraces  nil  mnibblo  matter,  merchnndise,
              etc.,  not classifiecl  abo•·e  as  let.ters,  postcards,  newspa.pe1·s,  or  printed and  commcricar
              papers,  when  sent  ill  urLsealcd  pac(·ages  weight:ng  ·up  to  and  includ£>L9  8  oz.  The same
              matter  whPn sent in p~rce!s exceeding 8 oz. in weight is embraced in Parcel-post mail.
               (f) Parcel-Post Parcels embrace  nil  maibble  matter,  merchandize,  etc.  not  dassifitd
              nho\·.e  as letters  or  postclrds, when  sent  in wtsealed  packaGes  exceed-ing 8 oz.  in weight.
              Cert1fic:1tes of mailing are issued  for all Parcel-Post Parcels.
              .  Ru.!cs  far  the  mode  of  packing,  etc.,  of  inh\nd  pa•·cels  and  "small  pnckels"  are
              •dent teal  with  those rel.atiug to overseas pareels am! samples, sec  page 36.  These  l'nles
              musl be strictly adhered io in  cvory detail.
               ~'he na01c and address of the sender must appear on  all  pn•·cels  sent by  p>trcel-posl
               Newspapers, circulars, book packets and parcels, must be posted without a  cover, or in
              a c?'"et· open at, the ends or sides so as to admit of the conteuls being eas·ily withdr·awn .for ex-
              armnation.  The mere clipping of the corners or of the "ide of nn envelope or other cover
               • c ircul: rs  wholly  or  p~rtly printed  in imihtion of  typewriting, or  reproduced  from
              af ~);)JC1~r1tten ~riginnl  by  "  mcclunic:U  proces~ ord:n:trily  used t:>  produce  a  number
             p ' ent1c.~l copies, one!  c11rbon copies  of  "  typewritten  original,  :ue  admissibk  at  the
               rmted  Paper Rate only  if :-
                 (a)  They m·e hnnded in at n l'ost Office.
                 (b)  Specitd  attention  is dr.~wn  to  the  fact  tha.t  they are printed  or reproduced in
                    imitation of  typewriting.
                (c)  At le1st. twenty packets each  containing one  copy  or  more  :~re  posted  a.t  the
                    same time
              ?te circuhrs  must  be securely tied io bundles of convenient size  with the  addresses
             f  d.<ced. on~ way.  They  will  be  liable  t o  detention  or  to S\Jrcharge if  sub.~equently
              oun  to mfr.'n~;e any of the regulations of the Printed Paper Rate.
               t Y enrly  <lJarJt·~ nre admit terl as printed papers
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