Page 16 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 16

               Land Board: Secretary of     Secretary Local War Graves Committee
               Mayor of Kingston            Secretary, Quarantine Board
               .Medical Officer, Malaria Commission   Senior and Juuior Sanit.ary Medical
               Nnval Agent                    Officers
               Officer Commanding Troops    Senior Medical Officer, Public Hospital.
               Postmnster for Jamaica         Kingston
               P uisne Judges               St1\IT Officer of the Local Forces
               Qua rantine Board, Chairman and Secretary  Stamp  Commissioner  and  Deputy  Stamp
               ltegistrar General             Commissioner
               nesidenl i\Iagistrates       SuperiJJtcndent of the Lunatic Asylum
               Secretary of Assessment Committee,   Supcrint~ndents of Public Works
                 Income Tax                 SupcriJ1tending l\lcdicnl Officer
               Secretary of Central Board of llcnltb   Sun•cyor General
               Secretary,  Housing  nod  Lnud  Selllemcnt  Transport Board, Chairman and
                 Committee                    Secretary
               Secretary of Land Board and Agricultural   Treasurer
                 Loan Board
                The following may send but not rccolve official correspondence free of chnrge:-
               Administrnt.or General        negistrar of th(!  Supreme Court
               Advisory Boud, Rio Cobrc Irrigntion (let-  He;;istrnr of Title~
                tcrs must bear signature of Secretary,   Sec. of Aliens Jrnmigrntion Committee
                Mr. F. E. Taylor)           Secretary of llo:trd of Directors, Shortwoocl
               Anti-Tuberculosis J.engue. oocret11ry   Training College
               Anti-Tuberculosis Le:1guc. l:)t. C, thcrinc, St. Secretary of Board of EduCD.tion
                 Elizabeth, Trelawuy  and \\'estmoreland  Secretary of Board of Supervision
                brnnches                    Secretary of Central Supplementary  Allow-
               Canndian T rade Commissioner   ances Commiuce
               Clerks of Courts              Secretary of Institute of Jamaica t
               Clerk, Victoria Jubilee Hospital   Secretr.ry of Jam. Agricultural Societ" !
               Comptroller of Jamaica Civil Scn ·icc   Secretary of Kin~;stou Athenmum t
                w ;dows' and Orphans' Pensions   Secretary of ?llarinc Board
               Deputy 1\ecper of Records     Secretary of l\Jico Training College
               Director of Prisons           Secretary of Public Trnders Commit.teP
               Director  of Public IIenlth Bureau   Secretary of Schools Commis•ion
               Elected !\I embers, Legislntive Council •   SecrNary of Sugnr Industry Aid Board
               Harbour Master                Secretary Tourist Trade Development
               Headmaster Cornwall College, l\Iontcgo Bay   Board
               Headmaster Kingston Technical and Con-  Secretary of V ere Irrigation
                tinuntion School             Short wood College: Principal nnd Secretary
               H. M.'s Trade Commissioner     of Board of Directors.
               Inmates of the Lepers' Home   Superintendent of Genrral Penitentiary
               Inspector Hookworm Camp!lign   Superintendent of Govt. Print in!( Office
               l\Iico Trnining College, Principal and Secy.  Superintendrnt of Grove Place
               Nominated Members. Legislative Council*  Superintendent of Industrinl School
               Officer in charge of Coleyvillc Wireless   Superintendent of ?llnchinery, P.W. Dept.
                Station                      Superintendent of Public Gardens
               Officer Commanding Jam. lVIilitia Artillery   Superintendent of St. Catherine District
               Passport and  Permit Officer   Prison
               Principal of Mico Training College   Superintendent of St:ores, l'.W. Department
               P rincipal of Shortwood Training College   Superintending Inspector, Hookworm
               Protector of Immigrauts        Campaign
                •  Elected  and nominated  members  of  the Le~islati vc  Council  have the prh·ile~e of
               fnnkin!'; letters relating to public business which they may write in their offidal capacity ns
               members of the Council and sendin~ them through the post free of charge, their aiunr.luru
               nnd  official designation  to  be placed  on the envelope.
                t  Franked !ahels are sent  out with each  packet of book~ to ennblo thclll  to be rehtrncd
               t hrough the post free of charge.
                t  The Secretary  of the Agricultural Society may issue fr,,nked envelopes er  coverings
               addressed to himself.
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