Page 18 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 18


                                      SpC<"WJ  Regulaliom.
               The following are permitted to puss through the Post  Office free of postagc:-
               1.  Printed notices ("consignee's undelivered goods"), posted in open official envelope;;
             by railway  station agents, and  bearing  the stamp  "Jamaica Government  Railway" or
             '• ./am:tica  Railway  Compnny."
               2. Letters  headed  " lnfect,ious  DiseaMes  Notifieatioo,"  bearing  the  signature  of  the
             mcdicnl practitioner and oddt·csscd to a  :1\!ledical Officer of Hcnlth or  the Contrnl Board
             of Hcnlth or a.  Local Board of Health.
               3.  Packets addressed  to  Mrs.  Bourne,  Medical  Office,  Kingston.
               4.  Parcels containing artificial  limbs sent by ex-service men of the B.W.I.R., addressed
             to  the  military  authorities at  Up-Park-Camp  or to  the  Technical  School,  Hanover
             Street, Kingston.
               5.  Rending  matter  for  the  blind  printed  in  Braille  or similur script,  posted by the
             Territorial Commander of the Salvation Army, on the following conditions:-
                (n)  The cover  of  each such  packet to  bear  the signature  and designation  of the
                   Territorial Commander.                           ·
                (b)  To be endorsed "Literature for the Blind."
                (c)  E 'Ch packet of such litem tu re to be returned to I<ingston to bear a label addressed
                   "The  Territorinl  Commander,  Salvation  Army,  Kingston,"  duly  signed  and
                   endorsed  as  above.
               LeUcrs addressed to  places abroad camwt be franked but .should be prepaid.
                          Rulu re(Jarding  Frankin(J  of Official Corre&TJOildellce.
               I. The envelope or cover of the ofliciu I letter or other packet may be "franked" under
             authority of  His Excellency  the  Governor in either of the  following  ways-(a) By the
             impression of an approved official frank stamp; (b) by  the signature and official designa-
             tion of the Head of the Department, or other duly authorised officer or  functioWlry on
             tho  lower  left  hand corner of tho cn\'clope or cm-er.  The envelope or co,·cr must be
             superscribed  with  the words  "On His  ~lajesty's Service."
              2.  The envelope or cover  must be addressed  to t.he  head  of the department or to a
             public  officer  or  functionary  who  is  entitled  by the  authority of  His  Excellency the
             Governor to receive official correspondence free of charge for postage.
              3.  No  public officer will  be  permitted  to  make use of any stamp for franking  letters
             or to frank letters without the authority of the Governor.
              4.  Heads  of  Departments and all postmasters must exercise vigilance  to p1·evont any abuse
             of  the  franking  privilege,  and  any  evasion  or  attempt  to  abuse tho privilege, and any de-
             partu!c  from the rules  must be reporled, with lull particulars,  to  tho Colonial  Secretary or to
             the  Postmaster for Jamaica.
              5.  The franking of envelopes, etc., either by means of the frnnking stamp or by signature,
             is strictly forbidden, unless the envelopes contain at the time of· franking the official cor-
             respondence  or  to  be  transmitted  through  the post, subject  to  the  following
             exception, namely-
              That any written or printed matter properly issued in a  franked C1welop<: or coverin~
             for circulation among members of a  board or any body of indi\'iduals, and for ultimate
             return to the office of issue,  may be passed from one member of such  board  or body to
             another in an envelope or covering provided for the purpose and duly franked in advance
             by a  duly authorised officer.
              N.B.- All  registered  letters,  posted  by  the  pltblic  and  not franked  as  above  d~scribed
             add1·~.~scd  to  the  officials  named  above  in both  lists  A. a.nd  B, must be  pl'epu:id  with the
             reoistmlion fee of two pence, with the exception of registered leU111·s  addressed to the M wwger
            of the  Government  Savings  Bank,  Collectors  and  As.~istant  Collector8 of  1'axes, and Chair-
            man,  Banana  Industry  .4 id  Board which  are  wholly  postage free.
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