Page 36 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 36

      oo enclosed in n strong co,·cr, and be scrurely fnstcncd and sealed with fine  Wtl'( in 8Uch
      a "liY thu.t  it cnnoot be opened without lctwing tracc.>s of ,·iolation.  F n,·clopcs with black
      or <'olourrcJ  borders  must not  be w;cd.  :O:rnls  mullt  be  placed  o1·cr  each  Rap.  or  searn,
      of the cowr of a  packet; and if the packl-t is 1 icd round "ith strin~t or tape, 11 senl must be
      J>lac<'d ou thr ends where they a•c tied.  ln the t•usr of Ion~ em elopes with 11  seam down
      in  the centre,  the searn should be •ccured with st•nl:-.  plnct'd not more than  three inches
      apnrt.  .\11  the seals  mu~t be  of  the  •:~omc kirul  of wn'(.  Md rnu>t bear distinct impres-
      sion~  of  tlw  ~nmc  private  dc1·icc.   Coin~ mu~t  not  be.:  u~e<l for  ~ea lln~ ;  and
      tbc  tlcvi1·o  of tlte seal must  not consist meroly  of Mt raight, crossetl or·  cur\'(•tl  linl'l!  which
      can be imitntrd rradilv.
        The <HillS  of pt·upeily enclosinr,  and scalinu;'  lol.lor  lies  upon  the scndt'r,  nnd  the
      Po~t OAic<' does not assume liobility  for loss arising  from  the defects of t ho cover or the
      seal~, which  may not be obsen·cd at the  time of po~ting.
        The amount for which a  letter  i ~ insured  must  not  cxccccl  its  actual  value, :\nd must
      bo written by the sender both in words and in fiC(ures at the lop of the tlddm"~ ~ id c or the
      co,·er,  thus  " Insured for  £12,  (Twelve  Pountls)" or whalcver  the amouut  nu\,1'  be.
        Altt•rution or crn•ure  of  the in•cription  will  not be nllowc.>d,  if a  rui•takc be  made the
      entry  mu't  b<'  completely struck  out  and n  new  entry  made  by  I be ;ender.  The  <eals
      on an ordin~r~· cm·clope of an ioo•urcd lettcr mu,t b"! pher:d ns ,hown belo":

       Letters •.rhich  do  not fulfil  the toregoinv conditions will not be accepted for insurance
       lnaur.:d letters will ba~·c all the safe~uards  of the rcttistration system, and a certificate.
      of pt~>tilll, must al\,·ays be obtained by the sender of an insured  letter.  .\n  acknOII )edgo-
      m<:ut of n:ccipl of the deli1·ery ma~ al<o oo obtained  under tbe same conditions as tho~
      applicable to re~ istcred letter!', t .. on paytl'ent of a further fee of :!d.
       Compen~ation for the loss or da•JUI;.e  in  the  post of an insured  letter,  or  it.s  contents
      ,~;u not <>xceC'd  the amount of the actuallo>s or dama'l<>, and will  oot be paid at. all for a
      packet  containing any  prohibited article, for any  packet which has  been delhered with·
      out el>.tcrnnl trace of injury  and has been accepted 11ithour  rclllnrk, or for damanc caused
      by  the fault  or nc~ligence of the sender  or arbin!!. fron;  the  n~ture of  the article;  nor
      does it follow as a  matter of course that cornpcnsnt1on w11l  be pard when loss arise.>  from
      tempest, ship" r·cck,  earthquake,  war,  or  other· causes  beyond control.  Indirect loss  or
      loss or profits is not taken into consideration.  No compensaf.ion will be paid for any loss
      or dn.m:\';e rewlLinll'  from act.s oi the Kinc;'s enomies.  No claim for cornpcnsation  ·ill be
      admitted if u1ade more th~>n a year after the pnckct was posted.  The sender of a parcel
      may ll'ai,•e his claim in fn1·our of the addressee.          .
       Lc"al  liability  to ~;;re com!>eo;;ation  in  re"p\lct of  any  letter  for  which  n.n  in~urance
      fee  b~"! oocn paid will  not atftlch to the Postmaster for Jamaica  either personally,  or  in
      his officinl c:wiC'it.y.  The final decision upon all que.>tions of eoruperu;atiou rests with the-
      postal admini:~trat ion of the country in which the loss has taken place.
                              PARCEL  POST.
       A Parcell'ost exchange exists between .Jamaica and  the countries against which parcel
      post rllles of posta~e are shown in cok 0  to  1 :l,  page~ :l!l to 46.  Parcel post  business is
      transacted at all  Post Offices.
       The parcclmnil for the Unit.ed Kingdom and Tridh Free State, United States of  Am<'rica,
      Canal Zone, Canada, Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, and 'l'urks,  Cayman  and Bnhama
      Islands is forwarded  by each available lli1·cct opportunity.  1'hat for the majority  of  the
      West India Islands is sent and received \'ia :;\few  York, and also by any direct opportunity
       The parcel  mail for Ecuador, Kicaragua and Venezuela is forwarded  \·in J>:lnoma.
       Pnrc<'IS ror  the majority of other countries :Ire forwarded  via the Unitl'd Kingdom.
       Postage, DimcMions and Weight-The limit of weight  for  parcels  is  11  lbs.  save  fol"
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