Page 32 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 32

'26                  POST  OFI•'ICE  GUIDE.

                  Kingslon  (arrives  and  lerwes  i\Joudny),  Cri, tobol,  Ca1lu.,gcua,  Puerto  Colombia,
                 Saula  Mart·:•,  Cristob!tl,  T<in)(stou  (arrives  and  l~nves SaLurd~y), New  York  (arrives
                 Thm-sdny)-:;  I'OUnd  voyMe of 22  days.
                  Durinv;  the  winter  months ''weekly  s~rvit'r is  maintained  between  ;o./cw  York,  Cuba,
                 Jamaica, Pnnu:na, Costa  Rica, Cub•~. ;ilpw  )'ork-a round  voyage of ;!:j days.  (Mails
                 for Jamaica arc  not conveyed  to or fronl  ~cw York by  thc~c vcssc~.)
                  K~:w Yonll:-CunA-JAMAICA S~::nvtCI; :  A cargo sle!lmcr leave$ New York every Saturday,
                 arriving  following  Friday  ot·  , 'ttturday.
                  N.~:w  YonK-CunA-.lAMAICA-JlONDUilAS-GUATEMALA  SERVICI•::  A  steamer  leaves  Nc1T
                 York every  other  Bnturdrty  culling  nt  lbe  following port.s:-
                  Snolittgo, 1\ingslon (:mi1·cs and leaves Fridav), Puerto Cnstilht, Teln, Puerto  Barrios
                 (anc.l  Belize,  mont.hly),  Kingston  (arrivt'S and  leaves Wednesday),  Santiago,  New York
                 (amves Tuesday).
                  N~:w Onr.EAN's-CunA-.TAMAlCA  St>nvrcE:  A steamer  leaves  New  Orleans  every  F riday
                 calliw(  at  Santiago,  Kingston  (arriving  followiJlg  Jo'riday),  returning  to  Gulf  port  via.
                 CenLml  American  port.  ·
                  B1us-ror.-W. I. I~LA.."DS-PANAMA-COSTA H.rcA-.J,,MAICA  StmvJcr~ :  An Elders aud F~·fTes'
                stMmer lcnvc$  I3rL~tol every  alternate Snturd:1y  rallin~ at the  follow in.~ ports:-
                  Darbados, Trinidad, Crislobnl, J,imou, Kingston (art'ives  and IP:n-cs  ~londay)  Bristol
                 (arrives  Sunday).
                  A  steamer letwcs Bristol every Mondav  calling  at the following  ports:-
                  Jiingston  (arrives  and  lea.vPs  'l'ucsdr\y),  Santa  lVJnr·ta,  I\in((sLon  (arrive~ nml  lcnves
                 Suud:~y),  Bri~t.ol  (arrives  Montlr.y).  Twice  a  month  a  ~teamer  calls  nL  Trinidad  and
                 Bnrba.dos on  the homewArd  voyage from  JanmJca.
                  l~RISTOJrJ'AMA tCA·CosTA RrcA.-PA::"'A~IA S1:nvrcE:  Au  Elders  and l~yffes' sl<'amer leaves
                 Bristol  every  alternate Monday  calling  at  the  following  porLs:-
                  ICin.g~ton (arrives a nd  h'!a1·es Monday,) J,irnon,  Cri5t.obnl, Kingstorr (arrives :~nd leaves
                 Monday), Br·istol  (arrives  Monday)-a  round  vo~·agc of five  weeks.
                  E lders  and  F'yff~s, Ltd.  maintain  a  further  ~ervice with  the  United  Kingdom,  but as
                the sailing  days nod  routes  of these boats vary somewhat according to  the season of the
                 yenr their movements cannot  be reduced  to  the  precision  of  ~ schedule.
                  The following  is  the schedule  of  the  Can:~dian Government  i\1erchant  !llarine  mail-
                canying steamers:-
                  0AKADA-DFJn~1UDA-NAS~AU-JAMAICA-BRI1'1SII  HoNoUll.\S  SEnvicl;:  A  stc:~mer  leaves
                 Montreal every  three weeks on Weduesdny. and  calls  at the following  ports:-
                  l-la'l1ilton,  Nassau,  IGngston  (arrives  Thursda~·,  leaves  F riday),  Belize,  returning  to
                .Kingst-on  on  the following  Friday  and  sailing  same  dny  via  Nassau  and  Bermuda for
                 Montreal  (arrivin~ Friday), ~ round voyage of 31  days.
                  During the \\ monl.hs the same schedule is mainlain~d el'ery three weeks except that
                 the steamers lMvc fl'Om Halifax on Saturdny and return thither on Tuesda~·, 31 days after,
                .arriving and snilin)!: from Kin!(ston on the same day of the week as on the summer service.
                  A ste:1 mcr of the Di Giorgio Fruit.  CorporaLion represented by the .Jamaica Fruit and
                 Shipping Co., Ltd.,  leaves I-Gugstou for Nt'W York every  Tuesday; and an Atlantic Fruit
                 Company's  ~teamer leave> ]>or1  Antonio  for C\ew  York or PhiladPiphi:1 c1·cr.'' Tuesday .
                                 . \ \'EitAGE  FnF.QJ;E:>:CY  or t;EnvJcr·:s.
                                   TI!•ceivals  fr-orn. ---~-
                   Count ry.                             Dispatches  I o.
                lJ.S. of .\mer·ica   Three c1·cry week  { I)   I Five e,·cry fortnight
                Canada        T wo every week.     1    do
                 United Kin~donr   1'wo every week (dir·cct and via  I Three every  week (direct  and
                               N.Y.)               I vh\ N.Y.)'   ·
                Canal Zone. Pan a-  Three CI'Cry fortnigh t.   One every wee!·
                  ma,  Colombia                    j          '·
                  and Costa Rica
                Cuaternala  nnd   Two cl'ery lbree weeks   I Two e\·ery three week
                9uba          One ever)' week   ___ I Three ev~ fortni~tht~ ----
                   ( 1)  'J'wo frorn New York and one from ::\'ew Orleans.
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