Page 33 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 33

CI.ASSIF! CA'IlON  OF  .'iiA!L.      27
                                CLA551f'ICAT ION  OF  MAIL
                  Fot·cig;n  CotTC~pond<'ncc i.;;  di1·id<•d  iuto the folio•., i n·~  c'ns~c-=-
                 (al  Letll)rs  (b)  Post-cat·ds.  (c)  Pl'inted  Papers.  (d) Commcrcinl  Papers,  (e)  Samples.
               (I)  Parcel-Post  Parcels.
                 Fnr t he Tln!es  of l'ostns;c ou all classes or mail mallcr, lirrits  of  llciAht  anti  bizc,  e1c.
               se~ Table, p  3S.
                 ta)  Letters  posted  wholly  unpaid  01·  .insuflicicntly  prepaid  ar<J  for11arclccl,  but  arc,
               charged  oo delh·cry with  double tiJC  dclicicucy.
                 Unpaid  nud  insufficiently  prepaid  letter•  from places  abroad  arc  ch,-.rgcd  double the
               d<·firicnt postaj!;c.
                 J..ctters or  packages pcid at  the lctl-<'1"  rnte of posta,:!c  a·cccil"ed  from  abroad  suspected
               to  contnin  articles  liable  to  custon>s  duty arc  detaiucd  undN a.uthority  or  the  J>ostal
               Union Co111vcutioat pending inquiry and I he payment by t he addrc~see of any duty  lel"iablo.
                 (IJ)  Post Cards:  Rcr·  Tnlt\nd  Heguhtious, p.  F,.
                 (c) (d)  Printer!  and  Commercial Papers:  For dcliniUou or,  and  rules guYel"lling  these,
               see fnland  J~ezul:tlions pp. 6 nnd i. (I)
                 (e) Samples:  The  use or  the ~ample Post  is restricted  to (!)  bona fide  trade samples
               or  pattcrus or  n'.crchnndisc without saleable  value,  and  (2)  natural  history specimeus
               d ried or prcscrl"ed animtlls and plants, gcolob>ical spcr:imcns, and scicutific specin·ens gene-
               rally. keys. fresh  flowers, t ubes  of scrum and pathological specimens  rendered  inocuous
               by  Lhcir  •node  or  preparatiou  and  pncldn~,  when sent  for  no ccmm·i:rc.inl  purpo~e, and
               printers' bloc!.:~ ,.,hen not f('r sale or in eJ<eculion or llll order.  Packets containing  goo,
               for sale or  consigned in excculiou of nn order (howc1·cr small  t'he qt::mt ity)  or article.~ se111
               by one 1>rivatc indicid;wl to  anollttr trltich m·c  nol actually lmde  sam1>lcs  or  patterns  or
               scientific specimens. etc., CllnllOt  be forwarded by snmple post.   Su~h pnckcts mu~t be
               sent br pa reel post, or be prepaid at the /el/(Jl" rate of post~re.
                 It is  a·ecomn>.ended  that  every sam.plc  should  be mnrkcd  "~ample- not for sale," or
               otherll'isc clcfacetl  in such  a  way as to render  the article  unsulcable in  the ordinary  way
               of t.radin!(.
                 l'ncka~cs of printed  and  commercial  papers and  st~rr.ples Jl'ust be  fully  prepared:  ij
               1101 .fully  paid they 1rill  1101  be foncardw.
                 Special •·c!fulalions  as  In  C6rlaill  arlichs.- Though und~r the regulations of the Postal
               Union Ol'licl.sliabl, lo Ct<sloms  dul11  may ouly be sent  by the parcel or  the insured  parcel
               post, this rule is rela,ed fot· san;ples in certain countries.  In smne instances samples liable
               to Custon-..s duly are delil'ered either free or on paymPnt  or t he duLy, buL in others they may
               be 11 ithhel.d  from delivery.  Ratl'ples of lerr  c'ceedin!2' ~i~ ht oamces  in  r,ros~ weight  a~
               not in an.1·  case accepted  for  transrpjsoion abrcnd; and some countries hal'c fixed  a  still
               lower limit  bot h  for  tea nnd for certain other articles.  8nmples liable to Customs duty
               arc ordinarily admitted  into the United J\iogdom when sent in quantities so ~mall as to
               htwe prnctieally no saleable ,·aluc; but the importat ion of tobarc~, cigars, cigaT"llcs, &c., by
               sample  post is prohibited, 11 ith the solo c'ccption or packets of type samples  of  unmnuu
               facturcd tobacco not exceeding six ounces in I!J'OS~ weight, which are delivered OJ1  paYment
               of 2s.  !)d. Customs dutv.                          •
                 .S(I»>)Jic.  o;  S7>iriis  (~xcept perfumed  spirits)'  may  be  sent  to  the  United  J\ingdom
               pro,·idcd  that  the samples arc plainly mnrked ".S7>irilf!  (110! pe>jumcd). ,.  F'ach packet is
               liable to:. charge of :~s.  6d. Custorrs duty.  8amples o f uinr arc admitted free or Custom
               charges.  The  ~ross weight  or auy  s~tmple packet contail1in!'- wine  or spirits  must not
               exceed  1:1 ounces.              ·
                 Sam)JI<.~  o.f  7'ca.  may be sent to Great Britain  in pa.ckages ~ach not exceeding il ounces
               gross wcigllt, and if  dislinctly  marked  "Tea,'' will be  delivered on  payment  of duty,
               ""  fo!lows:-
                 (i) If !he weight of t he sumple is under 3 ounces gross or l  ounce net  - Free of duty.
                 (ii)  rr the gross weight  of  1 he  sample is 3 ounces or  more but does  - A  flat rate of
                     not exceed 8 ounces                    l d. per  package.
                 Any liquid,  oil o•·  subslcmcc  which easily  liquefies must  be enclosed  in  a  glass bottle
               hertnctically sealed;  and the bottle must be placed in  a special box or rr.~tal,_ wood o! of
               strong corruga ted cardboard containing sawdust, cott<ln, or spongy material '.n  ~ufficac~t
               quantity to absorb the liquid if t he bottle becomes broken.  The box itself, if lt IS or tbm
               wood, mu&t  be enclosed in a  second case or metal  of  wood with a  lid screwed down, or
               at.ron!l: corrugat.ed cardboard, or of stout thick lcatl1er.
                 (1)  T he iuland rate or postage on " printed" and "commercial "  papers is the same, but
               t~e O<-ersea  rate on  "commercial "  papers  differs from  !'he  iuland  rate,  see  P  38.  The
               difTerences  between  the two classes of  mail should be  cnrcfully noted for thllt reason.
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