Page 38 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 38

POST  O~'FICI•:  OUfi>E.
                 -condition•  or tran•it,  ~Iima Lie:  C<?nditiou~, <l:c.;  n.!J.,  cardboard or  ordinary  bro"  11  p 11 per
                 is  noL in ((cnernl sufficocnt  pnckmg  for  parcels  scut  to  places  nbrond.  Li~:ht  and
                 bulky o\rLiclcs  shout~ be  p~ckcd  i~  strong  wooden  cases.- Jn  some  cases seals may
                 be  round necessary; 1f wax os used  •L should be or the  speconl  quality which will  with-
                 stnnd a  hot climate.  Parcels  to U.S.A.  may not  be scaled.
                   PMccls containin~ coin, 1\n~·thin~: mnde of gold or sih·er or other precious 11rliclc CAOIIOL
                 he forwarded to.a _countrr participating in the insumncc scheme rrupt the parccl 1tintur~.
                   P11rccls coutatnm(( ar!Jcles of 1111  a.~~tregate ,·aluc exceeding £50 will not be accepted for
                 trnnsmiR~ion.  This do~G uot apply to insured parcels (for  the limit of the value of which
                 sec  p~tges 3()  to 45,  col. :;!).
                   ParcciH received  nt  .)nmnica from  plnecs over sea arc, in terms of the Post Office lAw
                 51  of 190'!,  opened at the Head Otlicc, J(inm;ton, for  I be purpose  of  assessing  the  duty
                 on  the  contents.
                   Parcel•  nre  delivered  in  Kingston  if nddresscd  to  n  place within  the house delivery
                 limit by totter ctmibr; if beyond such limit, at  the J>arcel Post Ollicc; in  the country
                 a.cro<s Post Ollice counter.
                  The 1111\ount of dut.y a'<Sesscd on nny such parcel must be paid before delivery  or before
                 the delh•ery of parcel from  t.hc custody of the Post Office.   '
                  .\.11 complaints relating to Customs duty on parcels should be addrc..osed to the Collec
                 or of Cu•torns, Kingston, ns the Post Office hns no control in the matter of duty.
                  Applications for refund of duty mu~t be accompnnicd by that portion of the cover which
                 bcMs the address, the duty label nnd dt.he declaration.
                                  Par ceLs we ig hing over  11  lbs.
                  Parcel post  parcels weighing up to 22 lbs.  may now be exchnngcd "; tb  Great Urit.Ain,
                 Trinidad, Antigua,  Grenada, and St. Yincent.  The r11te of postngl' for Grent Dritian is
                 6/6: for Trinidad, etc., 5/ .  In case of the West India hlnnds named, such parcels m11yonJy
                 be sent by boats calling direct at Trinidad- not via New York.
                  Parcels wci((hing up to 151bs. may be exchanged with the Dominion of Canada.  The
                 rate of postage is 6d. per lb.
                                       Cu,toms  Dutic, ,
                  An  all valorem duty is levied on the majority  of articles imported into the island by
                the medium of the  parcel post.  The general rate or ad valorem  duty  is 20o/o,  nnd the
                 preferential rate is 15o/o.  The preference of 5o/O is given to goods which are the produce
                &nd  manufacture of  the  following countries of  the  British  Empire: United  I<ingdom,
                Irish l?rcc State, Canada, Newfoundland, Jllew Zcalnnd, Cyprus, Fiji, Bahamas, Barbados,
                British  Guiana, Trinidad,  Leeward Islands, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent nnd Turks,
                Caicos  and Cayman  Islands.
                  Goods imported  from  the above named  countries must  be accomtJanied by a  certificate
                of origin and  of B_ritish  manufacture. in or.der to secure t be preferential ;ate of duty.  JI
                desired, the certificate may be enclosed  m  the parcel,  and a not c to thiS effect made on
                the Customs dechuation.  It must be distinctly understood that ~:oods mailed by parcel
                post in any of the above named countries,  which Rrc not accompanied  by the ncces..<&ry
                certificate  or  British  manufacture, ";11  be assessed  at tbe genernl (20o!o) and  not the
                preferential rate (15o/o) of duty.
                  J n  nddition  to this  tariff there  is  a  specific  or rated  tariff which  is levied on  certain
                articles  and also a list on which no duty is  collected  if the  goods  arc  the  countries
                named ~bovc and on which Sola duty is  levied if otherwise;  and  nn  unreserl'ed  free lists.
                For further inJormation eonccr11in~ rated, partially free, nnd wholly free articles references
                should be made to a  schedule of Customs Tariffs.
                                 Duty Payable on  Qcpai r~, Etc.
                  Article of any description may  be sent  away  from  the  island and re admitted  on
                payment of the duty Oil the cost, if any, of repairs, dycio~ or cleaning,  or other alteration
                or adjustment, Oil  the followintr  conditions bcin!(  complied  with.
                  1. The exporter shall furnish the chief officer of Customs with notice, and ~;th a  suffi
                eient  description in \\Titinp:  of the articles it is intended  to send away,  and  if tbe  chief
                officer of Customs shall  think  it  expedient,  the  article shall  then  be  inspected  by and
                shipped under the supervision of the proper officer of Customs.
                 2.  On the return of the article so exported, or on the return of an article not so exported,
                but in respect of which it shall be established  to the ~ntisfaction of the chlef officer that it,
                is an article which had been exported from this island, such article may be delivered upon
                the passi n~ of the necessary  entries, nnd  payment of  duty, on the cost of  rep:~ir, etc.,
                if any, which must be verified by tbc produclion of an account or in some other way to
                the satisfaction of tbe chief officer provided in every case that the identity of the article
                io  P.St~<hlished to the satisfaction of the chief officer.
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