Page 41 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 41

SPLCIAL  Rt;GUL.\TIONS.             35
                Rules iu  rc~poel.  of compcnsnliou  for insurcd lr./lqr.s npply goncrnlly  to  io~urcd  mrccls
              also.                                                 1
                D.  Cnmpcnsatwn for loss or r/alllfi9C tl}  I'NINsl'tt>:o pw·c,/niJ•/Irr," the  Cmlecl 1\lll!lc/om
              and J uuttiVfl.  The l'o<llll:\Stcr for .lnnmicu  \\ill (not in COII>CCJUCI\'(' or lll•l·lc·nlli•tbilitl'
               but  volumarily, and a~ ~n act ur  ·rucc) ~:he con•Jwn,:uioll ror 1hr In,.,; or dnn ;~c of  11 ,,.;,~
               surrJ parcels I!Cnt  by parcel llUH  bctwcru the t:nited J\in~doru nnd .lan,aica, whcm  &uch
               loss or dn:l\,'\"c takes place" hilt' t ht• pnrcclsnrr in his cu,tocly, nn<l doe.> no1  uri:;c rr01n any
              fault or uc;:lc•ct of the senders or from  t he•  nnturc of thl' ~onl!•nt •.
                The compt•u,atiun paid " ill  in  no case cxrt-ed .l:l.
                The eompt'll"ation payable willl>l' innccorduncc \1 it h the ~t'n\•r:tl rc;(ulntion., tL•:  n·~;ards
               iu.mrcd par~t·l, (>Cc  nbo1·c), so fur 11.<  lhr.<l'  tryula/JJms 11rc ltf>J>ltrab/r.
                E.-Urullt•trt'l Ptuce!s.  Undl'livl'rcd  pn•·cals ori~inatintt in  the  t:nitec.l  1\in~dom arc
               rchtrn<'llto tht• s~ndcrs nt their C\Jll'nsc unlt·.-s llll' ~rnd<"r hn> indiraiNI by n  nt>IC  on  1 he
               parcel  thnl  he  " ishcs it (O  be nlm ul•lllt'l iu  c:t<<•  of nnn u•·lil·c·ry.  'I he  send~r  IIIIIY  also
              direct  that  11  parrcl, if  uudeli;cmblc t'l  ilu•  lir"t  :uldres<,  111:1.1'  be d<•lilercd  nt  :>  >OC•Jnd
               nddrc.-~.  If not ddin~red :tl the ~rcond athlre•~ pared, \\ill he• dc•nlt 11ith ns above •lnted.
                P.-Ptu;· /3  >rtJfJIII"'J o•·,·r  I I /l;.,.  Fee I>  3:?.
                       I I.-United  .Sti.ltc~ of Am c r ici.l a no the Ci.lni.ll Z.onc.
                The  folluwiut:  arc t he special rt:.;ulations which 1\0I'CI'II the t'>.change of pnrct•ls:-
                Lcttcrs, l'n~t cMds !lnd  writlcn  nmtlcr of  Lhc  nature of  pcr:<mutl cotTcspondcncc t1W8t
               11ol he cnclo>t·d  in  11  parcel.
                U •uch be f•IUIH.I thc lctL~r will b · plnced in the uuils, if >Cpnrablc; and, if thr ll'tler  be
               in.scpar:lhly attached, the whole pn ~ku;c will  be rc;ccted.  H. h•l\\'cl·cr, any such ~hould
               inadn·rtently bl• forwarded. the cuantry of dc.stinarian will rolled double r:~tc of poitage
               accorrlin~ to tlw Postal Cnion ('m,,· '•rtion.
                A p:lrrcl  nmy not contnin  nny otlwr  parrcl intl'ndl'<l  f•lr  dPJi,·c•ry  at an addrcs~ other
               th:Ul  that home by thC' parcel its1•1f.   If such cndosPd pnrtPI  b•• dctl•ctcd it r\'1'1  be sent
               ro,-w~trd ~in ·ly, \'lt:lr ~t!d wit h nrw nn•l distinct p:Lr<·•·l  rnst mtl·~ .
                .E!!eh  Jl'lrccl  11111st  be  so •:.rnp;>:·d  or enclosed  a; to porrnit  ir~ comems  to  he  t!•l.•il~·
               examined b~ any l'o>lum• ur ( . .'U>l<.nolS Orricl'r \';hose dut~· it onny be to do so; nnd • nch
               p~rccl llill be •"Ubjcct in t he countr.v of dcstinntim1  lo nil C'ustou1~ duties nod all (.'u,to•us
               r~ulations in rorrc in that countl·y for tbc prc:otcctiou or it~ C'ustoms re\'enue.
                A pnrcl'l for  United States and ( anal Zone may bo rcgu/c,cd on like conditions to those
               that <:01 cru the w·btration or tlthcr corrcs'pOndence; and on panncnt of the sum of two
               pence nddition:~l t<> the fin;;t char-.c, the >coder can obtain :1 rcrcipt ro~ such parcel fronr the
               addr~c.·  ,  ,  tmrccb  for the li•·itcd Htates and u.c { nnnl htlllC ru:t)  uo! 11,; t•-•ttrctl.
                Port·•·'< '''" t  b.•  ~o careful!}  pnr'.cd a"  to be .art:ly transmit It'll  in rbc mnils nf l'ither
               country, in ~oin.u: to the l'o~t Oillc·e of C\Ch~ngc c.f the countr.r c.r ori .. in, ~~~ 11cll as
               to th~ ollicc of 11ddrC'ss of the country of destination.  l'nrcel~ ruuy  be sealed or fastened
               by means of ~o:1il' nnd screws.
                1'he country  or  dcstinati<~n  n.11y,  nt its oplit>n,  Jc,·y  nnd  collect  from  the  addressee,
               for il:i.1nu  •·r. ict a  tl dcl11er~  tl chnr .e Mt cxcccdin•~ twopence half penny (<'r fi1·e cents)
               on e..~c;, ,in ·le parcel of not tH•>H:  tlonn one  pouud ,,eLLt; and. if the 11eil;ht exceed one
               pouw!,  ~ cl ar e  equal to one h:t!f penny  (or ot:c crnt) for each four ounce. <'r  fraction
                It more than one parcel is sent at one time to ouc addressee, the ~ender shoul I number
               the parcel~ consccutiw!ly n.nd shlluld on each parcel the number of parce!s forming
               the ~;onsi~:uwcnl.  For in.s,uucc, ii tlac consi>:nmctol consb1s of three J•llrCt·b, the p:u·ccls
               shov!'-1  be  nutnbcrfid " 1 f:-s, ., "~/.!," "~:f~, " rt.'Z'J~ .... ~ti. d)".  if t Le·. alue cf d~Cr.'.iOt!.; (c:~clu·
               sh·<: of  p:.qwr~ guch  as stocks, bond~, etc., or no comuwrcinl l'alur) ro:1t:uued  in a  parcel
               or in f'Pvcral J>a•·cels sent at tlu· snm~ ti111e by oue ~~:mkr ·o the ~nme a.ldrt"'SCC t·~ce~s
               100  dollam, an  inl'oiee certific·d  by a  <:>tales Consul •ho11ld  be furnisLtd.  Thrs
               in\·ocie  should be enclosed in  thll relatil'e parcel.  the Cu,tOhl~ ]).•claration !Jeintt noted
               "Consular ln1oice cnclo:;ed."  When the Cor.~ul~<.r Tnl'oiC!!  rl'l:lte:> lo rr.ore P'lrcciB than
               one. it should be enclosed in  parcel Xo. 1, the cu~tonos Dcclarntion being noted nccord-
               in·~ly.  Tho Cu;toms Dec;arntion" or co,·en. oi the remainiur..  Jl:lrcd~ ~hould be  mark.ed
                Con.sul!\r Invt~ico in parcel :Xo.  1. ,,  H the sender pr~fers, bOW£'\'CT, tll~ Con~u1:n Tn\'OICC
               may be sent SC)lllrfitC!y to the nddrl'.,,ee, the rl'lntil•e ('~>tOll•S l)~clarnrion b('in:.r, 'lli(ably
               r.otcd.  \\'hen the  Consular Jnvoir.c is enclosed  no 01hcr  invoice or statement  of value
               need be furnished.  If t.he Con~ular Invoice  is  sent  separately  to the  addressee,  com-
               mercial invoice should be enclosed  in the parcel.
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