Page 44 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 44

38                     l'OST  OFFICE  GU LDJ,,

     waste and all form-; of unmanufactured cotton except ~nmples  thereof, coUon  seeds and
     pod~. and the producls of cotton ~ccd cxCC'J>t oil, su,;nr cnrws or cuttiU!,'8 or parts  of  su ~1\r
     cane:;  citrus,  nursl'ry  stock,  nnd all  g.-owing  or  living  Jllants.  seeds  and  other  p ant
     1 ~rodu~ts tor  JUOII:I!J•IIion (including bulbH,  roots and  tulwrs and  the ~ccds of  trees  and
     shrub~. but  not vc,gctahle  and  flower  ijCCds  and  field  Reeds  other  thnrl  cereals), unlc&l
     addn·~~crl to and intended for  the use of the fi'edcral  Hc>rlicultural  Board or  the Office of
     l•'orci.;n "ccJ and  l'lanl introduction, United  State!! Dcpartrnent of  Ajfl'iculture,  WMh-
     inp;ton, or e~'cept under license  issued by the Federal  Horticultural  Board.  • ealskius  and
     articlr•s  wholly  or in  part  made from  them  are  not ad·nissible,  unle;;s  accompanied  by
     Anll•rican  Con~ul's cwtificatc of ol'ip;in.
       Viruses, scrums, c>tc.,  ~an be sent  to the U.S.A.  only  in accordance with  pro\ isions  of
     the 1;.s. Law of J uly 1,  1002.
       J 'or further detnib,  consul~ lutc~t echtion  of the T.ondon  ro~ta!  Guide.
                   TA&LE  OF  n AT ES  O F  POSTAGE,  E f C.

                          Ral.c  of  Pus/age  from  Jamawa.
        Letters- A= q d. for the firs~ 01..  and ld.  for  each additional  oz.;  and  D = 2!d. for  lbe
     first  oz., and 1 4d.  for  each  adclitionnl  oz.  according to  destination  (sec  ~cparate entries
     in  Table  followin!',  rolumn  2).
       Lellcrsjor 11.111. 8/nps of  J17ar and /l.llf. Troops  semuu abroad, irrc.spccltt•c  o)  addrtss,  ld.
     per oz.
      Post  Cards-8in~lc, Id. each ; Reply paid,  2d. each.
      Printed  Papers-~d. per 2oz.
      Comnmcinl  Papers  2~d .  for firs~ 10 oz.  and ~d.  per  2 oz. thereafter.
      Samtllcs- 1 d. for firsL  ~ oz. and ~d.  per 2 oz. thereafter.
      Registration Fee-:!d.  for  all  article~!.
      Advice of Delivery  ·2d.  (for  recistcrcd  nrticles  only).
      Insurance Fee  (Lellcrs  011ly)-5d. for c\·ery £12 of  valne  lll  addition  to  the  pOI!lagc  and
      rwgutral.wn Ju .
              L1111$/8 oj Svf (itmus of tl'ct!]ltl arc shmrn m Table, co!tmms 4 anrl 5).
       Lrllers-Lctters, or a rticles paid  nt the letter  rate of postage, may not exceed 18 inches
      in  any one direction.  A letter in th(' form of a  roll  may measure :30 inches in length by
      4  inches in diameter.  Letters to the British  Empire may measure 2  ft.  by  IS in.s.
      Llmtt oJ  ttCl(lht to  (ll/  counlrv.s=•llbs.  6  zo.
        Post  Cards-:1\1!\\imum size 5~ ins. by 4~ ins.
        Pn.nted and Cmnmrrcwl Paprrs-I.imits of size for packages  of printed and commercial
      papers are the same as for letters.  (1)
        Samp/es- l)ackcls of samples may not c:.-ceed  18 inches in length, 8 in width and 4 io
      depth, unless in form  of a  roll, for which the limits are lS inches in len~:th and 6  inches
      io  diameter.  Samr•les for the British  Empire may measure 2 feet  by  l  foot.
        "Bllnd L~Jerallm "- Packets containing papers impressed for the u..c:e of the blind sent
      to any place abroad are accepted up ton maumum wei!.';ht of 6lbs. 9 oz.  The prep:Ud rate
      of  postage  on  such  packets  is :-
        Up to 2 lb~.  3 oz.=- ~d.  Up  to 4 lbs. 6 oz.=  l d.  Up to G lbs. 9 oz.= l{d.
        Jn nU other  respects t he regu lations as regards printed papers apply .

       1\o•rE.-The rates of postage on  foreign  par cels  shown in  cols. 9  to 12 are revised to
      date of goin~ to press.  As the British Post Office, howeYer, frequently changes its rates of
      postal!e  it  follows  that  the  postage on  parcels  from  Jamaica to  E uropean  and  other
      countries, sent throueh London, are also subject to change during the  next twelve months.
        Reference shnuld therefore be made to the latest edition or supplement of  the London
      P ost Office  Guide in  computing  postuge on parcels  addrcs~cd to such places.  The  rate
      is nrri\'ed  at  by  adding Od.,  Od.,  ls.  6d., and 2s.  3d.  to  the four steps of  the  British
      quadruple scale of  po~tage.
        (ll  The maximum wcil!ht of packa~es of printed papers is shown Agrunst each count ry
      in column 4 Qf Table.  Single volumes of printed books sent separately to any destiMtion
      may, h<>We\·er, weigh as much as 6 lbs. 9oz.
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