Page 43 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 43

                                     SI'IUO!AL  PROHIB1110NS.
                 J\us·rRALtA.-Opium,  c.~ccpt.  under  prescribed  conditions;  hop  extracts  nnli  similar
               preparations; essence of  lager beer; _l'!<!;cuccs  of whisky,  ru111,  brnndy, cognac and  oil of
               cognac; horus nud hoofs; tobacco, CJgnr•, cigarettl's  an~ ~nuff, unless bona fide  ~nmplca
               or for  the personnl use of the addrc&SCC,  who must snt •~fy the Commonwc11lth  Customs
               authorities as to t he facts.
                Bot.tVJA.  l.lraody; alcohol;  tobacco in nny  form.
                 Ru.  OutANA.-Spirits.
                 llr.  I ro:-~out<AH.- -Tobacco pncke~l with other govd~. tob•tfco s11 rotcned; sncchnrino  etc.
                 CANAVA.- Sftirituous and intoxicating  lit(liOrs  of all  kinds:  adultcmtcd tea; prison ,; 1 ude
               good~; trade labels iu metal; skins and  ol her parts  of wild  birds;  bees,  used or second
               hand hives, raw hi1·e goods or products e'l:cept hon<·Y or wax; potatoes; all nur~cry stock
               includin•~ trees, shrubs, plants, 1•inrs, ~rnft~. scion~. cuttinr-x or buds except under permit
               issued by the Canadian Dcpnrlw<•nt of Ag-riculture ol ).Jontrml.
                 EcuAoou.  -Sugar cnue,  brandy  or its combinations  ami  tobacco.
                 EcYI'1'.  .\rtilicial tobacco; seed~ nnd juire or extrarl of tobn<·c<>, raw or refined ~•:~tnr.
                 Franu.  Tobnrco,e'l.cepl in limited <tunntiticsfor addrc-c•cc·~ u>c,<•»cnceof tobaN·o.-
                l'I'AI.Y.- rnmnnufaclured tobacco .
                . JAPAN. - TobaCCO.
                Nrc~:ruA.  -Spirituous  liquors  nnd  wiucs.
                 PANAMA.-flwccls, paste, fats rutd substances which cn~ily liquefy.
                PEnu.-1'obncco in auy form.
                 Pnn.trr•tNJ:  [SLANos.-Same ns UX.\., except that cic:nrs :tnd  cig:ucttc.~ nre ndmitlcd.
               wirbout restrictions us to  quantity contained in sinf<)c  pncbgc.
                 Ponl'UCAL.  Tobacco,  manufactured  or  unmanuractured.
                 Rou:.t.\NtA.  Tobacco.
                SPAtN.-Unmnnufnctured tobacco;  tobacco seed nod  juice.
                 ·w•:oEN.- Tobacco of all kinds, except manufactured tol.tacro which may l.te  imported
               by tobacco 11\Crchauts.
                Um1En KtNGDOlr.- Extrncls,  cs•euccs  of  coffee,  chicory,  lea,  or  tobacco,  or  auy
               ndntixturc of the same.  Saccharine, mixtures contain in).( •~cchnrinc and other ~ub.$(nnces
               of similar nature or use. Any packets  containing such Rubstunccs  will be handed Ol'l'r  to
               the customs authorities  and the persons concerned  in  irnporlinr; them will be liable  to
               heavy  pecuniary penalties.  licjulds  or  substances for  analysis  or medical  examination.
               Par hological  specimens.  Butter  must  be  inclused  in  hcr,mC>ticnlly  scaled  tins.  Snuff
               work  (tltnt is,  preparations or tobacco or snuff or itnitnoions of  them  rradc up  in nny
               way, :Is into cakes, tablets, or fancy  articles).  Tobacco stalks whether manufactured or
               not.  Tobacco stalk flour.  Tobacco sweetened (whether nu1nufactured or  unn t~nufnc­
               tured) or cigarclles sweetened or made with sweetened pap~r. c:..ceptt as otbcn1 i•c spcciully
               provided  in  any  nets t:elating  to  I he  customs.  Cut tobacco so compressed as tn have
               been rend~··cd unfit for inunedinto smoking unt il  if  hns !.teen rcBtored by steaminp: or ~ome
               of.her  process.  Cnvondish or  Ne~;rohcad tobacco  coutuiniu~; lcai'CS  of  trees  nr  plants
               other than 1 he tobacco plant.  l\Janufact ure.l tobncco other than Cavcnclish or Ne: rohead
               containing any prohibited ingredient.
                The hicles, skins, horns, hoofs. or :lily other p:ut of cnttlc or other animals which may
               be prohibited in order to pre1·cnt  the di•semination of any contn~ious distemper.
                Goods made in forei<;n  prisons  e\ccpt goods in  transit , or not imported for  purposes
               of trade, or of~~ description not umnufactured in the United Kingdom.  J,il'ing nnimals
               except  !.tees  in properly  constructed boxes.  Bullion exceediug £.) in ,-alue, coins t·xceed-
               ing £5 in Yaluc u nless accompanied b_v a declaration I hat they arc intended for ornament.
               Rags,  l.teddinr~  and  soiled  clot hinl(.  Clean   s~condhand  clothing  is  not.  howover.
                Firearms, deadly  weapons,  nncl  dNnched  piece-<  of  such  aru1~ or  weapons;  synl hctic
               organic dyes,  colours,  or colourin~ mnlter; containina; synthetic organic dye•  or  inter-
               meditlry  organic  products  used  in  the  preparation  <'f  synthetic orvanic d~cs, colour,
               colouring maUers.
                U:-.'11'ED  STATE<;  o•·  .\:~renrc.•.  Letter~; opium, morphine, coc:dnc nud other nnrcotics;
               poisons; prison -mnde~oods; spirituous an~ intoxicating liquors of all kinds; films 11nd piclo
               rial representations of prize fights; adulterated food> and dru;!s; li•:e bee.;; dead animals,
               except insects aud reptiles tborou~hly dried; feather;; and skint~ of" ild birds (e,a:ept ostrich
               feathers),  unle;~ intended  for  scientific  or educatiortlll  purpoacs;  ciga1·s  and  cioar·ottes,
               unless packed t~s t·cqtlircd by the United States rc;ul:~tion" and sant in  .,uantitics nu•nber-
               ing  at least  3.000  in  a  singiQ package :  potatoes,  cere:tls,  cottou  lint (including cotton
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