Page 31 - Jamaica PO Guide 1928
P. 31

               Fares f roll\
                                     Pctcrtilicld.   Ramble.   1\lontpclicr.
   S:~ov&noa-111-Mar                     2/       5 4       7/4
    ]'cLersficld                                  3/-~      514
   H ~tmble                                                 21
                         MAJl,  COACH  REGULATIONS.
     PASSENGERs-At  intermediate stations  a  passenger must  take  his chanrc of  finding
    n 'ri\Cant scat in the coach, and  must, if there is a vacancy, then pay his fare  to the local
    postmaster, or contrac:tor's agent.
     ln either case the amount for such ticket must be paid in cash, and the tickc.>t  must be
    h:todcd to the driver or guard of the coach before the pns.sengcr tatc,;,  hi~ bent.
     In  nil cases if a passenger intends to leave the conch between stations he  m\ J ~t pay the
    fare to th<: next station  beyond.
     The personal luggage of each passenger  is limited  to 20 lbs.  by "eight. or !!,000 cubic
    inched  by ~ize.  Any excess must be paid for as freight, and such excess may  not exceed
    10 lbs. in  weight, or  1,000 cubic inches in size.  Does  are  not  allow<>d  to  he  <'Arried
    by  toach.
                        OVERSEA  MAILS.

                      MJ::i\N~ OF COMMUNICATION.
     f.  UNJ'H:o KlNGilOM- Lett:cr mt~il (1)  to and frou• the United Kingdo111  is  coHveycd by
   ei'I.'J'Y  avnilnblc opportunity  vin  the  United  States,  and  by  the Elders  and  Jo'yf'fes,  and
    1-cyland  and  Harrison  Lines  of  steamers  via  Liverpool  or  Bristol.  The  D<'pnrtment
   cndea\·ours  to forward  mail for  the United Kingdom  by  I he  most expedil ious route in
   eec·h case.  Parcel post mail is conveyed only by the direct ~:>learners.
     H.  UNrrEn  STATES  OF  A:UERICA-l\Jails (both letter and parcel) to and from  the U.S.A.
    are conveyed  by  lhe  steamers  of  the  l:nited  Ftuit  Co.,  Atlantic  Fruit  Co.,  and
   Jamaica  Fruit  and Steamship  Co.,  the  II\OSt  expeditious  opportunity  bcin~ utilised  as
    f nr  ti.'J  possible.
     !I I.  CANAl>A-Leti er mail to and from the Dominion of Cam~da is sent. nnd  re1;cived  by
    each  U.S. mail.  Parcel post.  mail  is,  however,  conveyed  only  by  the  slcamcns of  t.he
    Pickford aud Black Line  trading between Halifax,  N.S. and .Jamaica, and the fnnadia.n
    Government  :\1erchant  Marine  trading  between  Montreal  and  llalifux  nnd  Jnmaica
    about.  once  every  three  wel'ks.
     IV.  CENTUAL  .~\!EUJCA-:\Iail <:onununication with then'  countries (e:-.cept Last Coast
    of Nicaragua) is  maintained  b,\'  the steamers of  the l'nited Fruit Co.,  Elders  and Fyffes
    Lt.d.,  and Canadian Go\·ernmcnt Merchant :\Jarine.  For  special  information regarding
    parcel·post mail  for  these places, sec page 36.
     V.  W~::s•r  INDIA  ISLANDS- Letter  and  parcel posl  mails  to  nod  from  the West India
    Is!nnds are exchanged regularly  by way of  New  York.  1\luils  arc also  c~chauged with
   Trinidad  and  Barbados  by  way  of  Cristobal and by  J~lders and  Fyffe'~ steamers.  T.he
    Horn  Line  aud  the  Royal  Dutch  'Test India :\1ail  Company 1uaintain n direct servJCe
    to Haiti.
     The  Canadian  Govern1;1ent  1\Icrchant  l\Iarine  u•aintains  a  direct  Scf\'ice  between
    hmaie:~, Dermuda, and  the Dahatcas.
     VI.  C:1.YM.A~ IsuNs  .\  three-weekly ser\"icc is  m:~intained by R.)J$.  "Cimboco"
    rtnd an irregular sen·ice by schoou~rs.                     .
     ,VI l.  Tuuxs IsLAND,;-An  irregular mail service  to  aud from  these (q~aud.s is mam-
    iamed b,'r  mean~ of schooners and sloops.  Letter  mail i~ al~o exchanged 1'1!\  1\ew yo~k .
    . Vlll.  Ct·n:~.-1\.Jails are conveyed regularly by Lhe  l'nitcd Fruit and Wcbster  Shtppmg
    ( o's  slearners.  There  is  no  direct.  parcel-post  exchannc  with  Cuba.
     By  courtesy  of  the United  Fruit  Co.,  the  follo11 illg  ~chcdule of,  ct.c.,  of  their
   regular  mail-carrying steamers is  furnished.
     N}:w  YonK-J.ut.HCA-PANAMA·COLO}IBJA  SEnvrcF.-A steamer  leaVt>S  ~ew York e\·ery
    Wedn('~a.y and calls  at  the  following  ports:-
     (1)  The term  ''letter  mail" refers to  letters and post cards, and  packages of printed.
   and commercial papers and samples.
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