Page 37 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 37

POST OFF. CE  HANDBOOK.             35
                                    IV.-Panama, etc.
                A Parcels Post 'Exchange now exists between Jamaica and the Republics  of  Panama,
              <Costa  Rica, 'Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela, via Colon.
                The rogulntions  governing the exchange with these countries are identical with those of
               U.S.A.,  with  the  following  exceptions:-
                Parcels must ~e sealed with sealing wax, lead  or  other  material  which  must bear  the
              ilpecinl u1ar k 01· 1111 press o~ the senders.
                Parcels for these counLT!es  may not be registered.
                Cigars 11nd cigarettes may be sent in any quantity.
                                   V.-West I ndia  l :slands.
                Parcels for  Antilnl~'  Barbndos, B>rmuda, Brili~h Gllinnn, Domiuica,  Grenada, i.Vront-
               serrat,  St.  Kitts·N<!vis,  SI.  Lucia,  St ..  Vincent.  and  Trinidad  are  forwardfd  regularly
              v ia U. S. A. o•· C.-nadn aL  lhfl ra:c of ls. pJr lb.  If, however, parcels  for  these plncPs
              endorsed by the sender, "By dir<ct opportuniLy,"  they  may  be accep'ed  at t.he follow-
               ing rate: ls. up to  31bs.; 2s. up to 71bs.; 3s. up to lllbs.  Paruels so endorsed will be held
              for a direct mail.  Insurauce can ordy be effected on parcels g'liug direct.
                       Conditions  and  Prohibitions  in  Certai n  Countries.
                'fhc transmission of any letter  whatsoever, no matter  to whom  addressed, in parcels
              for  the  majority  of  countries  is  forbidden.  The  few  exceptions  to  t his  ru e  can be
              ascerlainedbyreferencelo the London  Postal  Guid~, col. 8 pp. 5R3 to 651.  If any letter
              or  communication  of  the nature  of personal  correspondence be found  in a parcel, and
              it can be separated tberefrom, it will  be forwarded to  its destination  surcharged at un·
               paid letter rates.  But  if such letter,  &c., can not be separated, the whole pa.rcel will be
              liable to unpaid  letter rates  of postage.
                Plants are not. in ordinary  C<>nditiono admitted  into most of the countries of Emope,
               for fear that phylloxera may be introduced wit.h them.  There arc, however, special con-
              ditions in which parcels of plants (except vines) are admitted into some of t.hese cOUJJiries.
              The chief conditions  are that the plants  must  be  packed  securely,  but  in  such a  way
              that they eau be easily examiuPd, and must be accompanied by a declaration of  the sender
              attested ?Y some competent  authority, that there ham bee no vine in or near the ground
              from  wh1ch  the plants  come.
                A parcel may not  contain any  explosive, inf!amable,  or dangerous or perishable  arti-
              cles,  any article likely  to injure another parcel, any liquid (unless  securely  packed  in  a
              proper case as described on p. 28),  nor any  article  specially prohibited from importati.on
              m to a particular country.  (See  below)-
                                    SPECIAL PROI'IIBITIONS.
                AUSTRALIA.-Opium,  except  under  prescribed  conditions;  hop extracts  and similar
              preparMions; essence of lager beer; essences of whisky,  rwu, brandy,  cognac  and oil of
              cognac; horns and hoofs; tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and snuff,  unless bona-fide  samples
              or for the personal use of th•) addressee,  who  must satisfy the  Commonwealth Customs
              authorities as to the fncts.
                Bouvr.•.-Brandy; nlcohol; t.obaccn in any form; plan Is.
                Bn.  GurANA.-8pirits.
                Bn.  HoNDURAS.- -Tobacco packed with  other goods, tobacco swentened; saccharin, etc.,
                ~ANADA.---Letters ;  spirituous and  intoxi~ating liquors  of  all kinds;  adulterated  tea;
               Pnson-made goods;  trade labels in metal; skJDs  and other parts of wild  birds;  bees, used
              or second-hand  hives,  raw hive  goods  or  products  except  honey or wax;  potatoes;  all
               nursery  stock,  including trees,  shrubs,  plants,  vines,  grafts,  scions,  cuttings  or  buds.
               Parcels. containing  bulbs,  green  housr-grown  ~orists'  stock,  cut  flowers,  herbaceous
               Perenntals and bedding plants are,  however, admttted if accompanied by a detailed state-
               ment of the contents.
                Ecu.won.-su"ar-canc  brandy or its combinations.
                ~GYI>T.-Artifi~ial toba~co ;_see_ds_and juice ~r. extract,of  tobacco, raw or refined  sugar.
                l RANCE.-Tobacco, except. m bnutcd quantJbes for aadressee's use,  essence  of tobacco.
                hALY.-Unmanufaotured tobacco .
                NIGllRIA.-8pil"ituo\L~ liquors  and wines.
                PANAMA.-Sweets, paste; fats and substances which easily liquefy.
                l'Enu.-Tobacco in any  form.
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