Page 32 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 32

          Alteration  or  erasttre  of the  in~cription will  not  be  allowed.  if  a  mistakll  be  made·
       · the entry must be completely struck out and nncw entry made by the sender.  The
       ... on n.n  ordinnry envelope of an insured letter  must  be plnced as shown below:-

          Letters which do  not fulfil  the foregoing conditions will  not be accented for insurance.
          Insured letters  will  have  all  the  safegu11.rds  of  the  Registmtion  system,  nnd  a  certi-
       t .li.cate of posting must always be  obtained by the sender of an insured letter.  An acknow-
        ledgment  of  receipt  of  the delivery  may  also  be  obtained  under  the  same  conditions
       . as those applicable  to registered letters, i.e., on payment of a further fee of  2d.
          Compensntion for the loss or damnge in  the post of  nn insured  letter, or  its contents
        will not exceed the amount of the actual loss or damage, and will not be paid  at nU for a
       · packet contnining any prohibited article,  for any packet  which has been  delivered with-
       . out external trace of injury and has been accepted without remark,  or for  damage caused
        by the fault or negligence of the sender  or arising  from the  nature of  the article ;  nor
       , does it follow as a  matter of course that compensation  will  be paid when  loss arises from
        tempest,  shipwreck,  earthquake,  war, or  other causes beyond  control.  Indirect loss or
        loss of profits is not taken into consideration.  No compensation will be paid  for any loss
        or damage resulting from acts of the  King's enemies.  No claim for compensation will be
        admitted if made more  than a year after the packet  was posted.  The sender  of a parcel
        mav waive his claim in favour of the addressee.
          Legal  liability to  give  compensation  in  respect  of any letter for  which  an  insurance
       • fee has been  paid will not attach to the Postmaster for Jamaica  either  personally, or in
       · his official  capacity.  The final  decision  upon all  questions of compensation  rests with
       · the postal administration of the country in  which the loss has  taken place.
          Insured letters will only  be  forwarded by steamers going direct to a British port.
          For list of  co~tntries to  which  letters may  be insured and the limit  of  insurance,  see
       '  Table pp. 39 to 45.
                                 PAQCEL  1>05T.
         A  Parcel  Post  Ex~hange exists between  Jamaica and  the  countries  against  which
        parcel  post  rates of postage Are  shewn  in cols. 9  to  12,  pages  39  to  45.  Parcel post
        business is  tt·l nsacted at all Post. Offices.
         The  parcel mail  for the  United  Kingdom, United  States  of America,  Canal Zone,
       ' Canada,  Panama,  Hoaduras,  !tond Turks, Cayman  and Bafu\ma Islands  is  forwarded
        by  each available direct opportunitv.  That. for the majority of the W.J..  Island; is  sent
        and received via New York, and also by auy direct opportuni ty  offering.
         The  parcel mail fot  Costa  Rica,  Ecuador,  Nicaragua  and  Venezuela is  forwa.rded
        via Panama.
         Parcels for the majority of other countries are forwarded via the United K ingdom.
         Postage, Dimensions, ancl  Weight- No parcel may exceed eleven  pounds in weight.
         For postage, maximum dimensions, and other particulars, see  Table of Rate9 of  Post
       - age,  &c.,  pages  39 to 46.
         Foreign (e:&cept to  U.S.)*  and Colonial  parcels cannot  be registered,  but they may  be in
      ...-sured to certain countries  under the conditions specified on paa;e 33.
                              General  Qegulations.
                         Customs  Declaration and  Dispatch-note.
         Parcels  are  subject to  Customs  regulations.  The  sender of  each  parcel  is  required  to
      ~ make, for Customs purposes-upon a special form or forms,  which can be obtained at any
      : Post Office-an  accurate statement of  the nature  and value of the contents and other
                                 *See page 34.
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