Page 28 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 28

26                   POST  OFFICE  HANDBOOK.
           In either case the amount for such  ticket must be paid in cash, and the ticket must  be
          handed to the dri vcr or guard of the coach before the passenger takes his seat.
           In all cases if a  passenger intends to leave the coach between stations he must pay the
          far('  to the next station beyond.
           The PtJDSONAL  LUGGAGE  of each passenger is limited to 201bs. by weight or 2,000 cubie
          inches by size.  Any ~xces~< must be paid for as freight, and such excess may not exceed
          lOibs. in  weight, or 1,000 cubic inchea in size.  Doogare not allowed to be carried by  coach •.
                              OVERSEA  MAILS.
                            MEAN.S  OF COMMUNICAT ION.
           I. UNITED  KINGDOM- Letter  mail for  the  United  J<ingdom  is  sent  and received by
          each available opportunity  Yia  the  United  States,  and by the  Elders  and Fyffes,  and
          Leylancl  and Harrison  Lines of  Steamers  via  Liverpool  or Bristol.  The  Department
          endeavours to forward  mail  for  the  United  Kingdom  by  the  most  expeditious route in-
          each case.  Parcel  post.  mail  is  conveyed  only  by  the  direct  steamers.
           II. u~nTED STA'rES  o~· A~tERICA-Mails  (both letter and  parcel )  for the U.S.A.  are
          conveyed by the steamers  of the United Fruit Co., At.laotic Fruit Co.,  Clyde S. S. Co.
          and Jamaica Fruit and Steamship  Co.,  the  most expeditious  opportunity  being  utilized
          as far as possible.
           Ill.  CANAOA-J~etter mail  for  the Dominion  of Canada is sent and received  by each
          U.S.  mail.  Parcel post  mail is, however, conveyed only by the steamers of the  Pickiord
          and Black Line trading between Halifax  N.S.  and Jamaica,  and  the Ca.nadia.n  Govern-
          ment. Merchant Marine trading bet,ween  Montreal  and  St.  Johns and  Jamaica  about
          once every t hrec weeks.
           IV.  CEN1'RAL  AMEIIlCA-Mail  communication  with  these  countries  is  maintained'
          by the steamers of the United Fruit Co.,  Elders and Fyfl'€s  Ltd.,  and  ClydE'  S.  S. Co.
          For special information regarding parcel post  mail for  these places see  pap;e  34.
           V.  WEsT  INDB  l SLANvs-Lctter  and parcel  post mails  for  the  Wes.t  India  Islands
          are E-xchanged  regularly by way of t.he U.S.A  The  Windward Islands  Line also  main-
          tains a. direct  service to Haiti and several of the British West India islands.
           The Canadian  Government  Merchant  Marine  m11.intains a direct  service  between-
          Jamaico  British Honduras, the Bahamas, and Bermuda.
           VI.  0AYMAN  AND TURKS  Isr,ANI>S-An  irregular  mail  service  to  and  from  these
          Islands is  maintained  by means of schooners and sloops.  Letter  mail for  Turks  Island
          is  also  exchanged  via  U.S.A.
           VII. Cuba-Mails Me exchanged about  once a  week.  There is no direct parcel post
          Pxch:mge with Cuba.
           By cou.rtesy of the United Fruit Co., the following schedule of routes, etc. of their regular
          mail-carrying  steamers  is  furnished.
           NEw YoRK-JAMAICA-PANAMA-COLOMBIA SERVICE:  A steamer  leaves  New  York every
          Wednesday a.m. and calls on alternate weeks at the followi"'~ ports:-
           (a)  1\ingston (arrives  and  leaves  Monrlay).  Crist.obal,  CA.rtagena,  Puert.o  Colom-
          bia,  S~tnta  ::1/fartr.,  Cristobal,  Kingston  (arrives  and  leaves  Saturda.y),  New  York,
          (arrivE's Thur£day)-a round voyage of 22 day~<.
           (b)  Kingston  (arrives  and  leaves  Monday),  Cristobal,  Colombian  ports  as above,
          Kingston  (arrives  Friday leaves Saturday), New York (arrives Thursday).
           During the winter  months a  weekly service  is maintained between New York, Cuba,
          Jamaica,  Panama,  and Costa Rica
           NEw YotlK-CunA-.TA~!ArcA-HONDURAS-GUA'rEMALA SEHVJCE:  A steamer  leaves  New
          York every other Saturday calling at the following ports:-
             SantiPg'>, l{ingston (arrives  and  leaves  Frida,y),  BelizP,  (or Puerto Cortez*), Puerto
          Ba.rrios,  Tela,  Puerto  Castilla,  Puerto Barrios, I\ingston  (arrives and  leaves Thursday),
          Santiago, New York  (Arrives  Wednesday).
           NEw Yo!lK--CunA-JA~IArCA S•:HVICE::  A  steamer  leaves  New  York  every Friday or
          Saturday calling at Santiagot  and I<ingston.
           BntsToL-JAMAICA-COSTA RicA-PANAMA SsRncE: Atl Elders and  Fyffes'  steamer leave1r
          Bristol every alternate Monday calling a.t the following ports:-
           I<ingston (arrives  Monday, leaves Tuesday),  Limon,  Cristobal, Kingston, (arrives  and
          leaves Monday), Bristol (arriYC!1  Monday)-a round voyage of four weeks.
           In  the  foregoing  the  term  " letter mail"  refers  to letters and post cards, and packages  of  prin-
          ted and commercial papers and samples.
                      4  Alternate sailings  calling at Belize one voyage, Cortez  the next.
                      tt\lternating at Santiago  with the fortnightly steamer.
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