Page 30 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 30

2                    POS'r  OFFICE  HAli."DBOOK.
              -obarges.  The gross  weight  of  nny  s.,mple  packet  containing  wine  or spirits  must  not
               -exceed  12  ounces.
                Samples of  Tea  not cxcc.::ding S  oz. in gross  weight  may  IJo  sont  to U. K ..  provided
               that  t' o packets are plninl~·  mnrkcd  as  containing  tea.  F ach  pacl<ot,  exreeding 3 oz.
               in weig'•t,  i~ !'able t.o 1\  chno·go 'lf  2d. Customs  Duty.  PncketR  of  tc1\  exc ·eding 8 oz.
               in gro>s wcil(ht and sent  by Rumple  Post  nre liable  to forfeiture>  by the  Cus1om~.
                Sample pnckets containing li9uids and  urcasy subslai!CM cnn bo  sent  to  counkies in the
               Postal  Union:  also  lire bet$  {except  when  prohibited  by  the special regulations  of  tho
               -country of destination).  They must  be made up &a  that they  can  be easily  opened  for
               purposes of inspection, with  the exception of  packets containing live  bees,  which  must be
               enclosed in boxes so constructed ns to allow the contents to  bo ascertained  without  opening.
               The bottles used  for enclosing  liquids  must  be of  glass, and  all  articles of glaf$ must  be
               securely packed in boxe3 of metal or  wood.
                Li1uida, oils, and sub&l~ncra cw•ily liquefied  must be enrlo•ed in ~:Inss bott Ics, her me·
               tically  sealed.  E:~cb bott !~ mu' t  I~ plnct•d  in a  wooden box  furni>hcd  with  sawdust.
               cotton, or spongy  material in ~ufficirn·  quantity to absorb the liquid  in the event of the
               bottle b~coming broken.  Fin:llly the  box itself must be enclo~cd in a oa~c of metal with
               dghtly fitting lid. of wood with a scrPwtop,or of stron11;and thick leflt her; bu.  when per-
               forated  wooden  block i  n~c u 1ed  havin!( a  thickue~> ofnt lens!  2~ millimetres (about  nn
               eighth of an inch) in the 1 hinnelt pari, ~ufficiently provided in~ide with nbsorbcn~ material
               a nd supplied with n lid, it  is uot nece«.9nry for the blocks to be enclosed  in n  second case.
                FallySubslallccs which arc  not eas ily liquefied, such ns ointments, soft sMp, resin,  etc.,
               must be enclosed in an inner cover (box, b.1gof linen or pMchmout , etc.) which  mus t itself
               be  placed  in a  scc"nd  box of  1\'0od,  m 'tnl,  or strong and  thick  l!•nthcr.   Dry colouring
               powders must b2 placed  ir1 b.\g< ofi~At hcr, rubber-dre33cd  linen, orst mt oiled paper;  but
               uon-cllouriog powders m1y b • pe~ckcd in boxes of wood, m~tal, or cnrdbo~rd .  It is essen-
               tial th:u in b )ih C:\SC3 the b:~,;J or boxes of plwd~r sb.11I be tbemsdv. s ~ ncl:>sed in bags  of
               linen or  parchment .
                •  r, ic!rs of all  kind i  wh:cb  might  ~p >il if packed  so ~~~ to be easy .::f in~pPc ion.  may,
               as an ~~ception, b~ accep  •d  for  mailing  even  when  berm •tic:~lly FC::Icd.  I n this  cn~e
               1h~ Jl)s nl  administ r.~tioos concerned  llllly  requir~>  that.  t he send•rs  or  the  addressees
               iac:Ji .nt~ the examiM!ion of th~ con tcn•s of the sealt d nrticlcs, eitlt"r by op' uing which-
               ever  of the  nrticles thRt  mt1y be design111ed for  exa mination or  provide  for an examina-
               tion of rontents in any other  s:•ti~fnctory m11nner.
                Any nrticle of glass mlL~t be securely plcked in a box.  Exccp  in the ca~c of a glass bottle
               containing liquid, &c. (sec nbovc), the hox may be either of metal or wood.
                D 1ngu otl!  llr' ic!e~.  $UCh LIS Roiqqors, knives, r11zors, fork~, scccl p~ns, nt~ila,  keys, watch
              m .\chinery,  m}lal tu bin~, pieces of  rn~tal  or ore, are eligibl•'  for tr~nsmi -sion  by Sample
              Po~t, provided thnt th~y are bona-fide samples without s3l<:nblc v.1lue, nnd are packed and
               guarded  in  S? szcurc a  manner as  to t~ITord complete  pro tee' ion to the  contents  of  the
               mail b:1~~ and to the officer>~  of the Post Office, while nt the same lime they may 1-e easily
                All  pack<~ges of  printed  and  commercial  papers  and  samples may  be  opened  and
              examined  by  !be Post  Office without  reference to the addresace.
                E.tplosivu arc abso!llltly  prohibited.
                (f)  P uul Post P~rc t..  Sec pp. 30 to 36.
                I r  £3  FORBID DE~ to s~nd in :~.ny l::.ter, pAcket of printed or com mercial  pap~ra,
              o r sr~mple to a country of the  Postal  Union-
                1. Gold  or silver,  bullion,  pieces  of  money,  jewellery  or  precious  arl.icles (except  to
                   Great Britain  nnd count.rics 1!1!\med in foot  note.)•
                2.  Any  packet (other than a parcel post parcel)  containing t~rticles liablo to  customs  duty
               in the country of dcs•ination.   The special letter-mail  p rohibitions  to each  country of
               the Union are shewn in col. 9 pp. 528  to 577, London Post Office Guide, July,  1923 Ed.
                3.  lUly  article  of  a nature likely to stain or in any way injure the contents of the  mail
               b>~gs or the persoru. of those engaged  in the postal service.
                The insertion in an,,• letter, packet of printed or commercial papers, or sample of opium,
               morphine, cocair.e, or oth<.!r  nurcotic is strictly forbidden.
                "'Coin. gold. sil\•er, &c., may be ~t~nt b_y R'f:CIST&R&D LETTBR M-Att. to the (oUo~~in~t places:  Ascension,
               Austria,  Australia~ Barbados, Canada.  C3nal Zone  Cape of Good Hop..:, Cub3, C·z.eebo-Siovakta-,  Den·
               .-nark,  Fraoce. Germany, Gibu.hacr.. Hnllaad, auO,ar-y,  Malta.  ~ew Zeabnd, Panama, South  Africa

               {British), Uuited Kingdom,  United ;::,tates  of Americ.~ and  posseuion'J.  of U. S .
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