Page 34 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 34

32                  PO!;T  OF' FIC.E  HA"'DOOOIC
                  All complflints rela ting to Customs duty on pflrcels should be addressed to the Collec-
                 t or of Customs, Kingston, a.s the Post OfHce has no COJ\trol in the matter of duty.
                             Special  llc gu lati on~ - 1.  Unite d  Ki ngd om.
                  A .-Cash  M  Delivery 8•tslem.  A Cash on Deli•rery  System of parcels  is  in  existence
                 between  this Colony and t.he  United lGngdom.
                  Parcels up t.o the value of £ ·10 each ma~· be sent either way. and the value together with
                 the lees attendant on  the exportation collected from  the addressee, and remitted to the
                  A Cash on Delivery parcel may only be retained at the office of destination for 15 days
                 from the d>~te of arrival, after  Nhich if uuclaimcd it  iP. :ort.bwith returned  to origin.
                  Any further  informntiou inrludint; fees  ch~rp:eu ca.n be obtnined  from  t.hc Parcel Pust
                 Office, T<inj!stoo, to which  oftic• at pr<P~JJt. the SPPice is limited.
                  8 .-Prepa]tment. of Customs  Drllies  and  olher  charges  on  Pc reels  Post Parcels  to the
                 United Kingdom .  Persons sending  parcels  to  the  United  Kingdom  .. ne!  e~rtain  other
                 countri~s, may  if  they  so desire,  take upon themselvca  the prepayment of the Custom~J
                 duty  and  other · charges  which  in  ordinary  cases are leviable on  the  nddressee.  The
                 sender will  be told at the time of postinp:  what the approximate amount of these charges
                 will  be,  and  a  deposit will  be  taken of the estimated amount.  A settlement will sub-
                 sequently be  made  when  a statement of the total  amount of  the  charges  has  been
                 received  from  the  Brit.ish  Post Office.  Th~ following are the conditions:-
                     !. Parcels to be  sent  under  this arrangement must be  banded  in at  the Parcels
                       Post Branch at Kingston, or at any district post office.
                    II. T he cover must be marked by the sender" T o be delivered free of charge. "
                   H I. The sender  must  fill up and sign a  formal  undertaking  to pay  on demand  the
                       amount < f tbe charges due.  Forms for  this declarntion may be bad on  appli-
                       cation  to t.he  Parcels  Post Branch  at  Kingston
                    l\' .  Parcels for  free delivery  will  only be accepted from  persons whose settled resi·
                       drnce is in Jamaica.  If the sender  is  residing only  temporarily  in  Jamaica a  ·
                       parcel  cannot be accepte<l  for delivm·y  free of charge
                    V  A fee of 6d.  per  parcel is  chaq~ed for  the cost of the service in addition to the
                       postage and  deposit  for  duty.  This  fee  must be paid  by  a  stamp  or  stamps
                       affixed  by the sender  to his form of undertaking in the place  indicated.
                    VI.  .\ fee of  2d. ford  livcr.v charges must  be  added to nmount de];osited for  duty.
                   V I I.  The sender must make  such  deposit on  account o(  the  charges  for which  be-
                       desires to provide as the clerk in charge cf the Parcels Post Branch nt Kingston
                       or the district postmaster may, in each case, decide.  '!'his deposit  will, for  the
                       present,  be  the  amount  of  t he  estimated  duty and  must  be  paid  by stamps
                       affixed  to the form of uoderta.king in the place indicated.
                  VIII  One  form of  undertaking will suffice ·for  two  or three  (but  not more) parcels
                       posted together by the same sender  to the same addressee.  In such cases the
                       fee  will be 6d.  for  each  parcel.
                    IX  The following are  the articles  liable  to duty under the United Kingdom Tariff
                       which are likely  to be despatched from .Jamaica by parcels post, together with
                       the rates of duty, (and in the case  of  tobacco, of certain fines)  thereon.  These-
                       rates  are subject to  con.~i<krable chan{le  and should  be read m;  approximate:-
                                                                   £  s.  d.
                 Co!Iee,  kiln dried, roasted or ground      ner lb.   0  0  6
                 Tea.                                       per lb.   0  1  0
                 Tobacco, manufactured, ,r;z.:
                    Cigars                                          0  16  1
                    Cigarettea                                      0  12  7
                    Cavendisb or Negrobead                          0  11  10i
                    Other manufactured tobacco                      0  10  4!
                 Tobacco,  unmanufactured, rontaining 10%  or more of moisture :
                    If stemmed or stripped                          0  8  2t
                    1f unstemmed or unstripped  . .   . .           e  8  2
                 Tobacco, unmanufactured containing less than 10%  of moisture:
                    If stemmed or stripped                          0  9  1
                    If unstemmed or unstripped                      0  9  Ot
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