Page 39 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 39

l'OST  OFFICE  HAKDBOOK.            37
                 a.  At the rnte of (ld. per mile (ono way) counting from boundary or free delivery.
                 b  If delivery by horse messenger is required at the rate of 1/- per mile (one way) count-
                    ing from the offtce.
                 The above rates aro maintained wh~never practicable.  If messengers cannot be obtained
               nt these rates !be Postmistress  is authorized  to  m,1kc  the  most  reasonable  arrangement
                 The charges  for  the trnnMmission and tor porterage of telegrams must be pre-paid by
               means of  ndhesivo  slumps.
                 Persons resident Rt  a  place to which  the  Island  Telegraph Lino has not yet been ex-
               tended can benefit by its use on  the following condit.ions:-
                 1.  If the words" By Post ' with the name of a telegraph station bo written on a message
               it will be wired to such stati.>u and forwarded from thence to its postal nddresg by first post.
                 2. If a  letter marked "On Post Office Telegraph Business" be sent by post to the Tele-
               ~raph Clerk  at  any  station  lhe  m~ssage enclosed  will  be  promptly  forwarded  by  tuire
               from such stnlion.  In  thi$ case the le~ter by post must be registered and  the cost of the
               message  enclosed  iu  stamp~ or  coin.   Telegrams  may  also  be  handed  to  a  mail
               courier on  his way  to a  telegraph office, but the department doeR  not  take any  liahil;ty
               for m'senrriage.
                 3  No chnrge will be made :n either ~asn for postage or registration.
                 4  Te!egrama may be  sent to certain ports for  outward  tmnsmission  as letters.  The
               senders mu~t. u:rito " by post" before t·hc addressee's name. aud the name of tbe terminal
               Telegraph Office  at the end of the address.
                 For example·-
                  " By Post,"  Brown, 12 Fifth Avenue, l\ew York. l{ingston."
                 In addition t{)  the ordinary  telegraph charge the  sender  must  also  pay  the  postage
                 In such cases registered :~ddresses cannot be u..<:ed.
                 6.  The office hours are from 7 n.m. to 5 p.m., daily-sundays nod  Bank  Holidays ex·
                 ::-<igbt. Sunday and bolicl.'\y sJrvices may be obtained nt the following ratcs:-
                 Between o a. m. and 8 p.m., double ra te for telegram, plus a fee of 1/ to each clerk handling
               the telegram and 6d. for the messenger.
                 Between 8 p.m. and fia.m.  double rate for Lbe telegrams plus  a  fee of 2/ to each clerk
               bandlinf! the telegrnm nnd 1/  for  the  messenger.
                 The charges of 6d. n.nd  l: respectively for messengers refer only tu celegrnms for delivery
               up  to oue mile from the office.
                 On Public Holidays all offices are open from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. nnd telegrams are accepted
               at the ordinary week day rate> during these hours.
                6. Full ratecablegramsfor any part of the world may be handed in !\t any Telegraph  Otfice
               on payment of the inland rate in addition to the amount chnrgcd by the c~ble coy.
                "Deferred"  telegrams  at present nr• being accepted for Canadn, 'I' ewfouudland, Great
               Britain and I reland  France and certain other countries.  The cable  companies  announce
               from time to time c~tensions to  or  curtailments of the "dPfcrred" n1te.
                The inland rate for  radio  telegrams  is,  minimum 5d.  for  10  words  aod; penny for
               every extra word.  T he rates for foreign telegrams, per  word, aro as follows:-
                 (11~  "Via Bermuda"  or  "via  Wcs~ Iodin s ud P anama Telegraph CO."-Austria,  3s.;
               Bclg1um, 2s. 8}d.; Denmark, 2s. 93tl.; ~hone, 2s. Sd.; Germany,  2s.  9!d.; Grea t Britain,
               2s. 4rl.;  Greece, 3s. 2~d.;  Holland,  2c'. 9d.;  I taly, 2s.  l Od.;  Norway,  3s.  2d.;  Portugal,
               3s. 2~d.; Spain,  3s. ltd.; Sweueu. 2!>. lOd.; Switzerland,  2s. 10}d.
                 lb)  '• Via Marconi."- The rnlcs are 2d.  a  word less tha n !·he nbove in ('arh case.
               "  D~ferred cable teler.ramA MC accepted at half the above rntes, and mu.t bear the prefix
               "L. C. F." (Language  Country French),·' L. C. U."  (Langu 1ge C.>untry Destination), or
                L. C. 0."  (Language Country  Origin).  One  of lhes~  prcfi~es m1~st b~ placed before
               the addre~s in defPrred cnblcgrnms  nnd  will  be ccunted "~ one word.  Code  wort:!s are
               not permitted in deferred  me,.3ges.
                 Public telephone call offices have been established at Cross Roads and  Halfway Tree
               post offices.  The  fee is 2d. for n conversation not exceeding  three minutes.
                 Local telegrams sent  bY authorized Government  officials, :\!embers of tbe  Legisialive
               <:houncil nnd certain other authorized persons on  public  business  are  tratllll?itted  free  of
              <  arge.
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