Page 40 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 40

38                  POS'l' OF.F'ICE HANDBOOK.
                          BRITI.St1,  COLONIAL,  Ai'1D  FOJ?E.JGN  MAIL.S.
                                TABLJl  OF  RATES  07!  POSTAGE,  ETC.
                                  Rales  of Postage  from  I amaica.
                  Lellcrs-A= lid. for the first, oz. and ld. for additional oz.; and B = 2!d. forth~
                 first oz.  and  Hd. for each additional oz.  according  to  destina tion (see separa.te entries--
                 in Table  following,  c01umn  2).
                  LeUrrs  f·>r  H.  M.  Ships  oj  War  amd  f!. M.  2'roops  scrviny  abroa(l,  irre.!pec/.ive  of'
                 address= I d. per oz.
                  Post-Car<k-Single, 1d. each; Reply paid, 2d., each.
                  Prir1ted  Paper~d.  per 2  oz.
                  Commercial Papers-2!d. for firet 10 oz. sod !d. per 2 oz. thereafter.
                  Samples-Id. for first 4 oz. and ! d. per 2 oz. thereafter.
                  Rcgi.,tration  Fee-2d.  for  all articles.   .
                  Advice  of Delive"'/-2d. (for rc~tistered article& only).
                  Insurance  Fee  (L8tler&  only)-6d. for every £12 of value in addition to the po~laqe  a11d
                 re{Jist>·afion fee.
                        Limit& of Size (limil• of 1ueight are shown in Table, ~olm>ltl8 4 and 5).
                  utters-Letters  or articles paid at tbc let.ter rate of postage may  not  exceed 18 in-
                 ches in any one direct,ion except. 1 ho1t.  when  in form  of  a  roll  t.hey  may  men sure 2(}.
                inch•s in length  by  4  inchrs in dhmeter.  Letters to the British  Empire· ma.y measure
                 2ft. by  lSins.  Limit of weighi to all cmmtries= 4lbs. 6oz.
                  Post-Cards-Maximum size 5! ins. by 3! ins.
                  P·rinted and Commercial Papers-Limits of  size fQr  packages  of printed and commer-
                 cial pa.pers is lhe same as for letters.•
                  •The maximum weight of packageo or printed PAP<lra  io shown  a~alnot oaeh country in column 4
                 or Table.  Single volumee of printed books oent separately  to any  destillation  may,  howovor,  weigh.
                 as much ns  61bs. 9oz!.            .
                  Sample.~-Packets  of samples  addressed to  the British Empire may not exceed 2 feet
                 in length and 1 foot. in width or depth.  Packets for foreign countries must  not  exceed.
                 12 inches in length, 8 in widt.b and 4 in depth, unlessiP form of a roll, for which tbc limits
                 are 12 inches in length and 6 inches in diameter.
                  "Blind Lilemture"-Packets containing papers impressed for the use  of the blind sent
                 to any place abrond are accepted up to n maximum weight of 6~ lbs.  The prepaid rate  of
                 postage on su0h packets is:-
                     llb.           jd.           4lb.            2d.
                     2lb.           ld.           5\b.           2t<J.
                     3lb.           ltd.          61 lb.          3d.
                 · ln all ot.her respects the regulations as regards printed papers apply.
                  The sender of a p~rcc l post parcel for any place abroad must fill up a Customs Declaration..
                 on aformprovidedfor the purpose. There are two forms in use-one yellow, (No. 741) and.
                 one white.  ln column 14 of Table following, the letter "W" signifies that the white form,
                 must be used, and the letter "Y" that the yeiUnll form must be used.  The figure follow-
                 ing  the  letter  "W" shows  the number  of  copies  of  the  customs  declarations  which-
                 are required in each case.  When the white form is used, the sender  must  also  fill  up a.
                 Dispatch  Note  (supplied  at  all  Post  Offices)  which  must accompany  the parcel.
                  Every parcel post packet addressed to the United Kingdom or any of His Majesty's '
                 Color.ies  or Dominions will  bear an extra tax of 3d.,  except those which  are  addressed to.
                 members of Hw Majesty's Navy and Army.
                  On  every parcel or packet containing dutiable matter arriving in  the Island througJt.
                 the post a  tax of 3d., will be collected.
                  NoTE-·-ThP rates of postage  on foreign  parcels shewn  in cols. 9 to  12. are  re;ised  tO>
                 date of going to press. As t.he British Post Office, however, frequently changes its rates of
                 postage  it  follows  t.bat the postage  on  parcels  from  Jamaica  to European and  other-
                 countries. sent through  London, are  also subject to change  during the  next 12 months.
                  Reference  should  therefore be  made  to  the  latest  Edition or  Supplement  of the--
                 Loodon Post Office  Gujde  in computing  postage  on  parcels addressed  to  such  places.
                 The rate is arrived at by adding 9d., 9d.,  ls.  6d., and  2s.  3d.  to the four  steps  of  the -
                 Bri t.ish quadruple scale of postage.
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