Page 38 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 38

36                 PO .'f  OFFICE  HANDBOOK.
       PHILIPPINE l SLANDs.-same as  U.S., except  that cigars and cigarettes arc  ndmit:edi
      without restrictions as to quantity cou!r~inAcl in ~ingle package.
       PoRTUGAL.-Tobacco, rnanufncturcd or unmnnufncturcd.
       RouMANIA.- Tobacco.
       SPAIN.-Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco seed and juice.
       SwEoEN.-Tobacco of all kinds, except  manufactured tobacco  which mny be imported'
      by tobacco merchants.
       UNITED KrNGDOM.- Saccbarinc,  mixtures containing saccharine and other substances  of
      similar nature  or use.  Any packets containing such  substances  wi!J  be  handed  over to·
      the customs authorities and the persons concerued  in  importing them  will  be  liable  to
      heavy  pecuniary penalties.  Liquids or substances for analysis  or  medical  examinations.
      Pathological  specimens.  Butter  must  be  ioclos<!d  in  hermetically  sealed  tins.  Snuff
      work  (t.hat is, preparations  of  tobacco or snuff or iL"<Iitat.ions  of  them  made  up  in  any
      wa.y, as into cakes\ tablets, or lancy  articles).  Tobacco stalks  whet.ber manlllnctured  or
      not.  Tobacco st:l k  flour.  Tobacco sweetened  (whether  manufactured  or  unmnnufnc-
      turcd)  or cigarettes sweetened or made with sweetMed  paper,  except  as  otherwise  spe-
      ciu.Jiy provided in any acts relating  to  the  customs.  Cut  toba~o so  cornpresscd  at<  to·
      have been rendered unfit  for  immediate smoking until it has been  restored  by  steaming  ·
      or sou:e other process.  Cavendish or  Negrohead  tobacco  cont:lining  leaves  of  trees  or
      plants other than the tobacco planL.  Manufactured  tobacco  other  thaa  Cavendish  or
      Neg·ohead  cont.aining any  prohibited  ingredient.
       The hides, skins,  horns,  hoofs,  or nny other  part  of cattle or other nnimals which may
      be prohibited in order to prevent the  dissemination of any contagious distemper.
       Goods  made in foreign prisons except goods in  transit,  or not  imported  for  purposes
      o£,  or of  a description not  manufactured in  t.he United Kingdom.  Living  animals
      except bees in properly  constructed  boxes.  Bullion  exceeding £5  in v::~lue, coins exceed-
      ing £5 in value unless nccompanied by a  declaration  thtlt  they  are  intendl'd  for  orna-
      ment.  Rags, bedding and clothing soiled  or used.
       Firearms,  deadly weapons, and detached  pieces  of  such  arms  or  weapons;  synthetic
      organic dyes, colours, or colouring  matters containing  synthetic  organic  dyes  or  inter-
      mediary organic products  used  in  the  preparation  of  synthetic  organic  dyes,  colours,
     or colouring matters.                      ·
       UNITED STATES OF A~mRICA.-Letters;  opium,  morphine., cocaine and other (narcotics;·
      poisons; prison-made goods; spirituous and liq oors of all kinds; films all'! picto-
      rial representations of prize fights; adulterated foods and drugs; live bees; dead anima·s, ex-
      cept insects aud reptiles thoromhly dried; feathers and sk'ns of wild birds (except ostrich
      feathers), unless intended for scientific or educational purposes; cigars and cigarettes, unless
     packed as required by the  United States regulations  and  sent  in  quantities  uumbering
     at least 3,000 in &  single  package;  potatoes, ceronls.  cotton  lint (including  cotton  waste
     and all  forms  of unmanufactured cotton except sa.mples thereof,  (see below), cotton seeds
     and pods, and t.he products of  cotton seed exceP_t oil, s~g~r canes  or cut,tings  or  parts of
     sugar  canes,  citrus,  nurser.v stock,  nod all  growmg or ltvmg plants, seeas and other plant
     products for propagation (including bulbs,  root.s and  tubers  and  the  seeds  of  trees  and
     shrubs  but not vegetnble and Bower seeds  and  field  seeds  other  tha.u  cereals),  unless
     addre~ed to  and  intended  for the use of the Federal Horticultural Board or the Office of
     Foreign Seed and Plant Introduction. United  St~ttes  Dep~rtment of  Agriculture,  Wash-
     ington, or except Pnder license issued by the Fedcre.l Horttcultural Board.  Sealskins and
     articles wholly or in part made  from  them  are  not  admissible,  tmless  accompanied  by
     American Consul's certificute of origin.
       Viruses, serums,  etc., can be sent  to the  U. S.  A.  only  in accordance with  provisions-
     of the U. S. Law of .>~ly 1, Hl02.
        For further  details,  consult  London  Postal  Guide, J uly  Hl23  Ed.,  pp  583  to 631,
     ~olnrnn 8.
       THE  Govern:nent  Telegraphs  are  under  the control  of the  Postmaster  for  Jamaica.
       The Telegraph Offices are in the same buildings as the Post Offices.
       The charge  for  telegrams throughout  Tamaicn  is  ninepence for any number of  words.
     up to  twelve, ~tnd a half-penny for every additional word.  The address and signature are
     both counted.  The charge is paid in po<Stage stamps affixed to the message.
       If the addressee  reside within one mile of the terminal office the telegram  is delivered>
     by messenger without Rny additional charge; but if beyond that limit the following por-
     etrage fee  must be prepaid:-
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