Page 27 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 27

POST  OITF!CU:  HANDDOOI\.         25
                              SAVANNA-LA-MAlt ANU  MON'J'PEJ.U:H.   DAlLY.
                                               -              --
                 f il e~--- Offi~  -,  l.    I      Offices.-   Arrival.
                              ---.                             -
                                                                  Jl, .\1.
                 ..   Sav.-la-Mnr (lcuve)   .   A. M.   Montpelicr  (lea"c)   ..   5 .45
                  6   Petersfield    ..   4.40   Hamble       ..   6.15
                 10   Ramble         ..   6.10   Petersfteld   ..   7. 10
                  6   Montpelier     ..   7.00   Snv.-la-Mar   ..   7.45
                        Fares from
                              --- --     Petcrsfield.   I   Ramble.   Mont~clicr.
                s  avanua-ln-Mar   ..       3/   I    8/       11/
                I 'etersfield   ..   ..     ..        4/        8/
                n  amble     ..    ..       . .       ..        :1j
                M ontpelier        ..            I    ..        ..
                            ---      ----
                                  LINSTEAD  Ah"U  GAYU;:.  D AILY.
                Miles.  _ _____ o_m __ c_c_s. _____ _  Anival. j_. ____ O_ff_ic_,_s_. ------·- Arrival.
                      !.instead (leave)   n~· /   Gayle  (leave)   5.15
                 12   Guys  Hill       5.20   Guvs Hill           6.50
                  9   Gayle            6.10   Lin'stead           9.00
                 Passenger  Fares-Linstead to Guys Hill 7/, Guys H ill to Gayle 5/. T hrough Faro 12/.
                             ST.  ANN'S  B.n A>iD  RtCHl!Ot-;JJ.  DAILY.
                Miles.     Offices.    Arrival. /   Offices.   I Arrival.
                                        A .M.                    P.M.
                     St. Ann's Bay, (leave)   2.46   Richmond, (leave)   4.40
                  7   Ocho Rios      ..   3.25   Highgate        4..55
                  9   Retreat        ..  4. 20   Port Maria    ·I 5.50
                  6   Oracabessa     ..  5.05   Orncabessa       6  55
                  7}  Port Maria     ..  5.55   Retreat          7.30
                  fl   H ighgaw      ..   7.10   Ocho Rios    . .
                                                              ::1  8.30
                  2}  Richmond       . .   7.35   St. Ann's Bay   9.15
                     Fares From     Ocho  I etreat. ,  Oraca-  Port   High-  Rich-
                -                 I   R ios    bessa.   1---- -  gate.   mond.
                St. Ann's Bay   ..   2/-1   l5i4'7i4-  lO/   12/il -1 :l/4
                Ocho R ios   ..      . .   3/   51    7/8   10/<i   11/
                Retreat    . .    I             zi    4/8   7/4   8/
                Draeabessa        I   ..        ..    Z/8   5/4   6/
                Port Maria   ..           ..               2/S    3/8
                B ighgate   ..   ..     I   ..   ..   . .   ..    1/
                                 ::1  ..
                Richmond   ..        ..         ..    . .      I
                                   MA.!L  COACH  REOU LA.TIO~S .
                 PASSENGERs- At  intermediate stations  a  passenger  must  take his chance  of  finding
                "  v~cant seat in the coach, and must, if there be a  vacancy, thell pay his fare to the local
                Postmaster: or contractor's  agent.
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