Page 6 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Army
P. 6

                                              MILITARY  CENSORSHIP  HANDSTANPS

                                                      OF  THE  ~RITISH ARMY.
                                                        roster - M-AC  3·

                         Handstamp  used  by unidentified  unit  based  at Up  Park  Camp,
                         ihe  marking  being struck  in  purple  ink.

                         EKD:                                                 LKD:

                                                                                    l~~tun ma, ~ ~h'..t>~ ~'
                                                                        thu Cw11r.  b..r  W K  mwg  be  all  tTom  chc
                                                                        sam11 wrlUt'.  Th11 ~owr s"-ld be a.ddraNd
                                                                        •n JJU:h  eau 10 w  l~a111 Censor.J
                                Correspon!!c-ncem this envelope nee-d
                             nOt  be  censored  Rt-gtmemally.  The
                             conwnts Ut> l•able to e~mmattoo at the
                                The  lollowmg  Cernftcate  mUR  be
                              l18fled  by  the  wmer :-
                              .  l  cctif' on  m,  honouT that  tM ·con--
                             tents  of  this  ent.dope  T~e-r  to  nothing
                             but  Prit'tJU and family maccen .
                                            1 [_~
                             NcJm11onl...          .,_"  ., .

                         Active  Service  cover  £rom  Up  Park  Camp  to~reniwood,  franked
                         by  the  6d  value  o:f  the  King qeorge  VI  issue  o:f  1938  vffrich  is

                         cancelled  by  i~decipherable Kings~on dater.                         Tne  cover
                         bears  M-AC  ?,  H~mber 3727  struck  ih p~rple.
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