Page 5 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Army
P. 5

                                             MILITARY  Cf!NSORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                     OF  'I'f-IE  BRITISH  ARMY.
                                                        rosier  - M-AC3.

                             The  £irst  o£  the handsiamps io be  used  during  the  Second
                        World  War  was  £or  a  unit  censor  handstamp  consisting o£  a
                        single  circl.e  of'  2.91Dm  diameter  surmounted  by a  crown  with  -the

                        words  "PASSED  BY  CEflSOR".             This  was  ihe  siandard  hanrlstatnp
                        issued  ~o al1  units  of  ~he ~ri~ish Army  and  each  handstamp  had
                        its own  number,  being the.  "censorship''  number  allocated  -to  the

                       unit.          The  bands-tamp  is known  s-hucl<  in a  varie-ty  of
                        colo~red inks  and ihe bandsiamp  is also known  used  by  so~e

                        canadian  Army  units .
                             Ii should  be added  at ihis point  ibat the  earlier
                        designations within  this section,  M-ACl  and  H-Ac~.  have been

                        allotted io  Army  ~rkings of ~be First World  War,  such
                        markings  not  :fortning part  o:f  -this particular  sec-tion.

                              'I'o  date i:be  £ol1.owing  numbers  are known  in respect  of
                        these  handstamps,  nall\ely;  5667,  5839,  5'870,  5956,  6071,  60ff7,
                        8364,     A~d> 3727,

                        E.l<D :   22/ 4/194a.                          LKD:  ?.."Z;/3/ 19LJ 4
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