Page 3 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Army
P. 3

                                              MILl TARY  CE:NSORSliiP  .H ANDSTAMPS.

                              Within  this heading  is  included  handstamps  of the Royal
                        Navy  as  well  as  those  of  the  Army-,  the  word  ·~Mili iary"  being

                        used  to  clistinguish  the  censorship  carried  out  by  ihe  Armed
                        Services  from  that  of  t.he  civilian Postal  Censorship.

                              For  tbe First World  war  only  one  Royal  Navy  item  has
                         been  identified  -to  date,  th.e  "Passed  by  N"a'lal  Censor''
                         handstamp,  M-RNC  1.           Two  items  are  recorded  £or 1he  Army

                         :for  t~is 'War,  the  general  ''Passed  by  Field  Censor''  handst-arnp,
                         l't-A.C  1 ,  and  M-AC  2.,  a  censorship  marl<ing  on  what  would

                         o1herwise  be  a  Unii  hands*amp.
                              Two  iiems  h8ve  been  recorded  for  the  Royal  Navy  for  ihe
                         Second  World  War ,  the  general  'l.From  H.M.  Sbip"  censor

                        nandstamp,  M-RNC  2,  and  M-RNC  3,  shown  below.
                               The  i  terns  shown  are  therefore  the  Army  Censorsnip
                         handstamps  of  the  Second  World  War .
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8