Page 4 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Army
P. 4

                                              ~lLITARY  CENSORSHIP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                      OP  THE  BRI'l'ISH.  ARMY.

                                                         Foster  - M.-AC2.

                              In  addition io  ibe  ,,Passed  by  Field  Censor"  ban.drlamp
                         issuea  to  Most  units  o£  the  British Army  ~ly two  o~ner

                          items  o£  a  Military  CensorsRip  ~atu~ have  been  recorded
                         as  of  J'"a~ican orlfin durittg  tlle  F.i:rst World  War.                   ~be

                         first of"  these  is ine  unit han~stamp H - AU3  wi 'tlt  the
                         addition  e>£  th&  word  CenGored           11   and  t'he  e.J<.aMiner' s  initials
                          in  red  inl< .     M - A U3  comprises  a  aouble  lined  ou.ter  oval,
                         39  x  25mm,  witb  tbe  words  uq~NERA!.L STAFF  OrFICE.  at  -tbe
                         top  and  ''J'"AMA.ICA."  at t"he.  bo-i;ioM.         !rhe  two  .9ei.a  of  worditl(

                         are  sep.a%:a-tea  "by  aeie~-isl<.s  on  each  side  and  'have  a  period
                         after th.e  wording,  the  n\Srldng  'being in 'blue  inlc.
                         EKD:                                            L~D.      ~

                         Cover  to  London  be~ring M- AC2  dated  ~ne  2nd  june,  191,,
                         .fra~ked at 4d,  wi1:h  regis-tration  cla-ter  o£  -the  5tb  J"uhe,  l917,

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