Page 2 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Army
P. 2

                                                MILITARY  CENSORSRIP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                       OF  THE  BRITISH  ARMY.

                             On  the  outbreak  of  war  ~he army  garrison on  the  island
                       consisted  of  two  infaniry  battalions,  one  of the British
                       army,  less the  Company  on  duty  at ~ermuda,  and  one  o£  ihe

                       West  India Regiment.                After Dunkirk  the  regular British
                       battalion was  withdrawn,  leaving behind  the  auxillary  units
                       compri.sing Engineers,  signals,  artillery  e-tc  so  -that Oni ts

                       of the ~ritish army  remained  on  ~he island.                       This .British
                       Battalion was  replaced by  uni~s o£  the  Canadian  Army,  ~hose

                        censorship ha.ndstamps  will  be  deal-t  with  in a  separa-te
                             MiliiaTy  censorship handsiamps  were  issued  io  all units
                        on  the  outbreak  of  war,  and  after  censoring  at unit level mail

                        was  -taken -to  the  civilian pos-t  o££ice and  sent  wii:b  the
                        normal  mail,  although  having been  censored  by  a  mili-tary

                        censor  i 1::  was  not  examined  by  the  civilian postal  censor.
                             Fro~ early  1942  an Arm1  Base Posi  o£~ice was  esiablisbed
                        at Up :Park  Camp 7  'Briiish Units  being  established  ai ihis

                        Camp  and  ai Newcastle,  where  the  ~ail was  liable for
                        censorship  by  the Base  Censor,  as  well  as  the Unii  Censor.

                        Prom  ~he Army  ~ase Post  Office  the  mail  was  transmitted  via
                        the  ~amaican Post  Of£ice  and  this  A.~.~.o.  also  censored
                        all incoming  mail  before  transmit~ing i~ to ~he various ·

                              It should  also be  mentioned  that one  of the  Military
                        censorship bands-tamps  ,  M-AC  6,  was  applied  at the  Internment

                        Camp  a-t  qi  Camp,  and  so  .falls under  the  Prisoner  o£
                        War  Seciion  of markings.               Another  of  this  section's
                        handstamps,  M-AC  4,  can  also  be found  on  mail  of the  Canadian

                        ~orces although  they  had  their  own  censorship  handstemps.
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