Page 10 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Army
P. 10

                                               MILl'l"A~'l  CENSORSHIP  Ht\NDSTAMPS
                                                      OF- THE  BRITISH  ARMY .
                                                         .rester- - M...,Ac}.



                          ~rther cover  ftcm H,  A. W.  Lawey,  -to  The  'Right
                          »onou~ablQ Sir Sidney  Abrahams,  P.C,C/o  Legal  Advieer s
                          Dep~.  Calonial Of~ice,  DowningSire~t,  London,  ~arked

                          "Pe.rsonal ''  and  bearing tt-AC  '5,  ~mber 5'8l~  in  purple.
                          ~rahkea a±  2/2d,  ihe  sta~s are  ca~elled ~ith Cross

                          R~ double  circle. da.-bet· of ihe  17th  :rune,  1943..                     The.  cover
                          has also  been  censored  by  ihe  United  ~ngdom censor.
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