Page 12 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Army
P. 12
OF THE: l3RI'r ISf:i A'RI1'l ~
Foster - M-AC3 .
Hands-tamp used by an unidenti-Fied uni-t based at
q{bral i:ar camp, the markit?g beirnc ~rh·uck in pll:tple ink.
"E:KD~ 30/9/194, I.J<l:>:
T hs.s en velope must not be use
coin or v,.luables. It q nnot be accL
for •(tras:ton.
· envelope need
ce·~~.r A~N'II~ally. The
com~·nts ac the Address:-
Ba~ ,.; ll:>·e Getl s" R
I certify the con~
rents of this eo nochin1
but privcue and famib matters.
~!:~:~ I (J1~.
Air ~sil cover addressed to the ~se C~nsor, Unii@d
Kin~om~ the cover b~ing £r~nkQd by a pair o£ ihe ~iHg
qeorge VI 4d va~ue, cancelled by kirngs~oh double circle
ta3ter o£ the JOih .9epteYnbe..r, 1944. The. coVe..r 'b~~s
M-.AC3, N'o. '58'10 ha nds~p ~truck in pur·ple ink.