Page 16 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Army
P. 16

                                                MILITARY  GENSORS~lP HANDSTAMPS

                                                       OF  THE  .:BRITISH  ARtiY .
                                                          foster  - M-AC3 .

                               Hands-tmnp  u.sed  by unidentified  unii based  at- Up Park
                         Ca~p,  the  marking  being struck  in  purple  ink,
                         El<D:                                                 Iti<D!

                         Cover  from  Up  Park  Camp  -to  'Beesion,  Noti.ingharnshiY"e.,  £rankea
                         by  the  ~d value  of  ~he King  q~orge VI  1938  is~ue tne  surface
                         mail  ra1e then  being 2d  per two  ounoes.                    The  stamp  is
                         C8ncelled  by  Kingston  do~ble  ci1cle  dattl- of ihe  19th

                         Pebruary ,  put there  is  no  year  plug.               ~he cov~~ bears

                         M-AC?,  No.  8364,  which  is  struck  in  purple.
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