Page 99 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 99

A t.o Z Collection .

    Chocolae 1\neoine, the Bruxells chocolate m.anufi'Ctl,u:ing firm ot V . ll . Antoine, produced
a series of nuchered card~ which advertised their chocolate ~nd depicted postmen of the
world a.nd showing a po$taqe $ta~~ of the eou~try concerned.

     Bclo~o· i s card No . 77, which sh<»o'S a Jamaican postman o\\nd (In illustration of t:he ld
value of the ' ' Key Pl4te" i:s~ue o! 1889 .

                                                         Factcur. •Jamaiqu~ (Anglctcrrc).
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