Page 96 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 96

A to I OO~lect~on .

    The Po•t Ottiee used a fr~ •in9le line handst&mp~ 1 x $0.., with rounded en~ vbich
bear• the vord CA.-c£L.L£D in b~ack bloc:k . .ru ~ype• .5 x 44-. 1hh
waa intend~d to be u~ tor the cancellation of st~ attached tO t•legraph to~ .
HC~~o~:ever. oeca•iona.lly c.h!s ha.nd.staJIIf) ••• alae used t:o ea.ncel ordinary JM.!.l.


                                       I lttle
                                     R. I.

    Cover to the u.s.A. franked at )d. vlth the st~~s ca~elled by the t:elegrap~
ban~ta~ in black ink. 7here are no other . .rtinqs on the cover to •how either
the place or or1q1n nor any dates of u••9•·
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101