Page 100 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 100

A to Z Cblleotion.
    Court c•r~ are no~ record4d for eve~y ~erritory and very few are recorded for
J~ica. These type or card are of a ~ller •1&e than the no~l card and ot~e~
depict the •~ view·~ the noraal size c•rd•.

    The Lop mint "Court Card.. ~r~easures 91 x 118-. and le franked by • ld value o f -che
Llandovery is~ue, depictl three views, AT DRY KARBOUR, ROARING RIVER $ftd ORANGES.
Below ia a norm~l size card depictin9 the same three views and it can be 1een that the
word• POST CARD. in r•d ink, are in different poeitions to allow tor the different sizat
of the ear~ bot~ of vhich were printed in ~rm.ny.

    The lower "rd bears arovn• • Town cUter ot ll .1\lly 1899 and 1Unqston deter o!
1 Auvutt 1899 &nd 1• one o: tbe earlie•t recorded dates for JAm41c•n carda.
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