Page 102 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 102

A to z COllection .

                                                                   • Rooa.s"

    The c~rc1al rooms in Kingaton were at the corner ot Harbour Street and T~le La~e
optUUnCJ fr-oa the be9in.n1A9 Of the 19' Century .nc:i wer-e in e!tect • ~tlng- b~e for
eerehanta and ahip c•ptains. The r~ ca.prised an unofficial ~l ot!1ce with a look
Ollt tower on th• roof to report on t,he arrival or departure of lh1pp1nq atld ther e vere
al1o faell l tl•• to take up 1nsuraneea on •hips and/or their carqoea and acted •s a
forward1n9 •9ency for letters .

    The roe.. had their own handstamp• •• did most ot the forwardino agents operating
from. the roccns. The commercial Room• operated cor most of the U'" Century and probably
ceased to operatu by 1843 followLnq the Royal Mail stcaa Packet C~ny securin9 the
contract for the carrying of a4il .


     Letter or 10 August 1826 to Sir Henry Fit; Herbert, c~re ot Me••r•. Nel5on, Ada~s and
Nelson, Savaqe Garden, crutched friers , London which w~~ either delivered to or written
at the Kin9ston Commerci~l Rooms. There i3 receiv~ commercial ~o~ . Type CR 6
~~ndttomp struck i n black in~. The cover was carried to Deol by the ~we;tbrook~ attd was
rated by the Kin9ston post o ff ice at l/4d as a ship letter. On arrival at Deal t he
letter received framed DEAL/ Ift lP LITTtR handstamp struck in black ink and the reverse
b~ara London receiv1n9 datlr of 6 OCtOber 1826 .
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