Page 103 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 103

A to z Coll.ction.

                                                             "Custos - St. Cathart.n•..

     ln J•~ic• ••eh P*rilh had a h~ad o!tieial eall~d th• CU1t011 who was the
representative of the Governor - his nearest EnqlJsh equivalent otticer would be
~he Lord LJeutenant. The CU1tos was en~itled to •tree• poat•9• within the

island and had hi• own h&ndltacp•

     Local cover fro. the cu~tos ot s~. ca ~hertne bear1n9 t~ CUatos• FRt& handstc:p s~ruc k
in . .9enta ink vlth Sp.ntah Town dater o! 1 Auqu•t 1939.
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108