Page 101 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 101

A t.o & Coll.Ct10ft•
                                                      ..CHURC HI LL - ltOOSEvz.l.T V r:NVS LOP!.''

     Patriotic cove: <M•iqned by G. KINOTT. Hec:tor•a Rlver w1t.h CUURCHJLL..ROOSIVELT "'V•

ENVEUOPE on the left ma:g1n above the wotdlng JAMAltA•t CALLING/6 tour line verse/
GOD SAVE THE KING. in aixed blue type . The ri9ht hand mar9in h•$ the word1nQ DEDICATED
TO TH£ UNITED NATIONS in block serlf t.ype print-ed in blue ink.

    The exa.;plo of this cover shown below 1• from Lon9 Bey to the o. s.A. and 1• fr•nted on
the reverse et 1/- , the stemps c•nc•lled by ton9 oay dater of 30 July 194 3.

                  vv vv vv vv vv v 'fV 'fV 'fV VV 'fV 'fy YV YV V V VV VV 'fV 'fV VV VV VV V
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106